• My next door neighbor bangs on my walls at 4 in the morning. He bangs so hard that the picture frames fall down. He has put cracks in the wall as well. He claims we are making noise, but he's crazy we're all sleeping at that time. He even bangs on my front door. When I call the cops they don't come and when I call security from the building he doesnt open the door to them. Nothing is being done and I have to live with this. I bet if my brother kicked hs ass he would stop. He never comes outside anyway.
  • Hmmm..... decisions, decisions... It's a tossup between the neighbor whose dogs won't stop yapping, and the guy who exercises nude in his backyard behind a not-so-private privacy fence...
  • Oh goodness... Well, I always got along swell with the girl who lives downstairs. No issue, no problems. Mutual respect. Then, a few weeks ago.. there is a letter in my mailbox. It's typed. Uh oh. She writes that she understands that it's an old place and that you can hear through the walls pretty easily, but we AND our dogs were being too loud as we get ready for bed. So, if we could please be aware of our "bedtime movements and noises" - it would be appreciated. WHAT?!?!?!! Bedtime noises? What's a bedtime noise?! My roommate and I do not even go to bed at the same time. The dogs are sound asleep and don't even move much after a certain time. I usually get up kind of sleepily (with socks on), get ready for bed, and go to sleep. Now, every night as I am going to bed, I am extra careful that I am not creating too many bedtime movements. Jeeeeeeez. She's the one that blasts the television all night!! LOL
  • One day our kids were playing in our woods and i heard gunshots. i froze. we own all the woods that surround our house and our neighbors house, so i called for the kids and they came running up to the house. shots rang out again and peering through the woods i saw our neighbor sitting in his backyard. our woods wraps around his property so i walked through the woods toward him, calling out to see if everything was OK. he just sat, sort of slumped in a chair as i approached him. i could see he had a rifle in his hands and i stopped. "are you ok?" i asked him. then, without looking at me he picked up the rifle and began loading it... my blood ran cold. i realized he was dead drunk and loading a .22 rifle!! i turned my back and very calmly walked back through the woods to my house, expecting any minute to feel a bullet tear through my back. OF COURSE MY HUSBAND WAS WORKING OUT OF TOWN AT THE TIME!!! brrrr.....still makes me cringe to think of it.
  • We had a guy across the street that liked to look through windows with his binoculars.My husband threatened him with an ass-beating and he moved shortly thereafter.
  • The idiot who used to open and slam closed the kitchen cabinets 80-120 times and slam the kitchen drawer into the wall at full force at 5:00 am every morning before I had to get up at 6:30. Kitchen wall was next to my bedroom.
  • Our neighbor peeked in our windows one night in our living room, and then the cops even said that the guy was weird and they believed our story.
  • I had a neighbor that shot my horse in the ass and tried to hang my dog..weird son of a...LOL :)
  • Not exactly horrible but when my neighbor lost one of his rakes he suspected we stoled it. When we were gone he climb over the fence and ventured into our utility building snooping around looking for his rake. We actually caught him in the act and he just walk away calmly and hopped over the fence, didn't say a word. Had another neighbor who constantly screamed and argued with his girlfriend, he got a bunch of photographs of her and cut himself out and threw em all in our yard and street. I didn't mind so much cause one photo had his girlfriend topless :)
  • I lived next to a couple who would sit out side and blast rap music so loud it shook every building for a mile.. HONEST TO GOD. RAP of all things. He waited until he knew I was asleep and then started. His wife came over one day and knocked on my door and said "you shouldn't walk around naked so everyone can see you".. my blinds were NEVER open and my door stayed shut so guess who was peeking thru the bedroom blinds. Then the neighbor I have now who goes around telling me "I KNOW your dog is going to bite me so I can sue you" while she's throwing her dog across the living room floor..she listens to private conversations thru the front door and adds in a few of her little "tales" and ..well you figure out the rest. However, according to some of the stories I read here. My stories are nothing.
  • Well our neighbours threw dead, poisoned rats into the driveway and back yard and shot arrows over the fence at our dogs.
  • I lived in Bremerton Wa and about 2 years after living in one place a member of the Crips meoved next door. After that the whole freakin neighborhood went down! There were dope deals in broad daylight and gunshots goin off at least 2 x a week. Then some guy bullied his way into one of the tenants apt and just moved in on him. Every 20 minutes I would hear someone goin up and down the steps to go make a dope deal...especially at night. One night I heard this jerk beating up the tenant who was disabled. The guy also robbed an old man twice, and beat his girlfriend up all the time. Calling the cops didnt do any good cause I think the guy was a snitch. My sister lived in the same building with her two kids and I didn't want to leave her alone. Finally one day some guy was being chased by another guy through our yard and was shot at. My 3 yr old nephew was outside, and that was enuf to convince my sister to move. Neither one of us got our deposits back. All during this time my ex lived 4 blocks away and he would come over drunk and hassle me.
  • Would a story about a cellmate count?
  • we also had a neighbor who compulsively cleaned everything, she even swept the road in front of her house, and then turned in other neighbors who didn't bring their trash cans in 'on time'.
  • kk. well, he's my parent's neighbor. But I am housesitting for them right now. Since they left he has been in the garage dickin around. I don't know what he's doing. I came here on Tuesday and he kept coming in the house which is annoying. Then after the bar on Tuesday night I came back here at 215AM and he was still here. He gave me the 3rd degree. I'm 31 yrs old, my parents don't even ask me what or who I've been with. Then yesterday I'm here again and he's in and out of the house. I went in the other room and I heard him opening and closing the cabinets..he goes "what do you have to eat around here I'm hungry" (GO THE FUCK HOME!!)He lives right across the street. Then he goes "there's no pop in the fridge"(he drank all of my son's soda) and then he had the nerve to tell me to drive a half hour away and pick him up a 12-pack and don't get bottles cuz he hates plastic only cans.(there's a grocery store two blocks away!) I told him to get it his f#ckin self. I can't wait til my parents come home and I can leave this hell hole.
  • One of my neighbor's husband grabbed my a** without any interest, invitation or provocation from me. It creeps me out and I want nothing to do with him or his wife. And now, I wonder if he's been standing outside my house smoking and watching thru my windows at night. (Today I put shades on all of the windows!)
  • About 15 years ago we had a neighbour who used to abuse his wife. They had a 3yr old lad who used to play with my kids and the wife often appeared with bruises. I told her one day if she ever needed help just to ask. One day not long after she appeared at my door saying she needed to call the police and she did not have a phone. I called them for her and the police came and took her and her son to court to get an intervention order and took them to a shelter. That night her husband pounded on our front. When I opened the door he demanded to know where his wife was and I told him I did not know. He yelled abuse and called me degrading names and threatend me. My husband arrived home as he was sreaming abuse at me and told him to leave or we would call the police. The next morning we woke and could not find our kitten. My husband opened the front door to go look in the yard and found the kitten lying on the front door mat dead. It had had it's throat cut. We could not prove it but we knew who was responsible. 2 weeks later his wife came home. She never spoke to me again and would not let her son come to play with our kids. The husband started terrifying my kids every time he saw them playing in the yard and it got to the point they were too scared to play outside. In the end we sold the house and moved.
  • One time I went to my neighbors, and it was super dark, and I went in anyways I didn't think he was home and I went in to his pantry and opened it up....and you'll never guess.......He was out of Oreos!!!

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