• spend the three days together. laugh alot and dont feel guilty. at least he still has his job. go somewhere. have fun. promise you wont keep him late again.
  • So he is mad at you because he CHOSE to see you. That makes no sense, he kind of sounds like an ass. It wasnt your fault he was late, its not like you forced him to see you right?
  • Okay, if you begged and whined or hid his keys or somehow *kept him* from going to work, he has the right to be angry with you. If it slipped his mind because you guys were making plans for the day, or whatever, he really doesn't.
  • He needs to be more responsible for his own actions. He shouldnt be mad at you because HE got suspended because HE was going in to work late,YOU can't control his actions. If he won't talk to you now, then he needs to grow up. Leave him alone.
  • It was his choice to be with you so I hope you are not letting him put the blame on you. Him not talking to you because of this is just plain ridiculous. Let him know it is not your fault...that he is a grown man and makes his own choices therefor should not pin the responsibility on you.
  • Well, I'm not getting it. If he's blaming you and angry at you about what happened, then he's being incredibly childish, immature ... and stupid. After all, you didn't have him tied up, did you? (Really, you can give us the details -- we're all friends here, right? Dish, girlfriend!) If he's so drawn to you that he has to remain incommunicado as his way of tying himself to a ship's mast (like Ulysses and the sirens, if you understand the mythological allusion), then you should revel in your power, and let him do what he must to get by. But now that I think of this, it seems to me that either of these ways is a bad response for him. He should really grow up, take responsibility for his own actions and the results that they cause, and learn to balance his responsibilities and desires. You'd think at least during his suspension he'd shrug his shoulders, say, "Oh, well, I can't go in to work, so what else can we do?" and enjoy the time with you. Are you sure he's not a blithering idiot?
  • It is not your fault because he was with you. He made a choice and was not available when called. It is his responsibility to anticipate that call and be ready - whether he chooses to spend that time with you or not.

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