• I loved my wife soooo much once. But it only lasted a few years. I think I met someone once that I could have loved forever, but that piece of paper entitled Marriage Certificate kept me from finding out. I retained my fidelity. If you imagine yourself living in any of the thousands of cities then you can imagine yourself meeting someone in each that you could love, and could love you. That means there are potentially thousands of significant others for you. How can you assume you have already met your best choice. Life is about is about happiness. If it starts with questions they will likely only get worse. If it were me I'd let the relationship taper off slowly to avoid anger and resentment, and to test if you truly can go on without him. Those in my past that I thought I couldn't live without are long gone and forgotten. It is far more important to be happy...have a family that works well, which includes in-laws, than to stick with someone because you feel some sense of responsibility, a commonality or accustomed togetherness. This would be from his perspective too. He has a right to love. If he doesn't love you let him go find it. Life is hard. Love is harder. Few are lucky enough actually find THE ONE, often because they are stuck with something less. Give your life every chance.
  • getting hurt is a part of life. do what you think is right. have a talk to him, to try and see how he feels about you. i don't know how many boy friends my mom and dad didn't like and if i had listen to them every time i would have missed out on some great friends.

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