• Lincoln
  • Lincoln and George Washington.
  • Living or dead? Being dead has lots of advantages. Living Presidents are always getting trashed. Now, assasination immediately gets you into the Hall of Fame. To anwser your question, I like George Washington. He had no predecessors and its been downhill ever since. I really liked Benjamin Franklin, just can't remember when he was President. Oh, and Thomas Edison too. History is my favorite subject.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Lincoln or Kennedy
  • President Lincoln because of every thing he accomplished with abolishing slavery ...
  • President Wilson - he was President during the enfranchisement of women, and supported our right to vote. Of course, he was a staunch segregationist. Well, I guess he's my favorite of the lot.
  • Bill Clinton
  • Harry S. Truman
  • George Washington - Compared to our Presidents nowadays =/
  • George W. By far the most cringeworthy politician of the modern era. A masterpiece of alternative comedy. He gives my laughter box so much exercise i salute him for it.
  • The American Cincinnatus, who else. George Washington
  • In my lifetime, Ronald Reagan . . . he uplifted America's spirit, turned the economy around, and set in place policies that led to winning the Cold War. In the whole of U. S. history: (1) Lincoln, (2) FDR, (3) Washington, (4) Jefferson, (5) Reagan
  • Jimmy Carter
  • FDR!!!
  • Washington, while it sounds cliche, he was the first, he laid the ground work for others to build upon and was so widely supported by the american population. he had the choice to make the US ruled by a monarchy, to be a king for his entire life, and turned it down. what respect for the ideals of democracy. he also stepped down after 2 terms on his own accord, when he had the choice to stay on longer, again, amazing character. his actions showed on future presidents who also chose only 2 terms (not all, but most, many attributing it to traiditonal based on washington) it lead the us army to victory over the britains, he was a source of morale, or support, a storng backbone for our new country.. he deserves the credit, he is our greatest president, our first, and my favorite. others are amazing too, but can't measure up to the same level
  • Jeb Bartlet. I know he's not a real President, and he's not my favorite for being a television Democrat, either. By watching The West Wing, I was able to get past a lot of my preconceived ideas of the men who are and have been President. Before watching Martin Sheen's portrayal, I had very narrowly perceived views on the actual *men* that have been in that Office. I learned to appreciate just how difficult and trying the position is and just how much toll it takes on anyone serving. I've also learned to look past the Office of the President and try to catch a glimpse of the man, himself. For all their glories and faults, they are human. Prior to this, I would usually just see the actions and the results or just the political parties and lines they came from. I learned that not everything is as it seems. Not everything is the result of just one man doing things, it is often times the result of collaboration and concession. And for the most part, this has been wonderful for our country. We are, after all, a democracy and our national motto is E Pluribus Unum, One From Many. It is not just one voice that rules our country, it is just that one voice that embodies what we are, or should. So before simply disregarding my personal choice here based on the fact that he's not an actual President of the United States, understand that through watching this intelligently written show and seeing how the Office of the President was portrayed has helped me get past a lot of my prejudices and assumptions I had and as allowed me to have a much deeper and far more appreciative view of the remarkable people that hold it in real life. Without this as a way of seeing things I hadn't realized about politics and policy making, I wouldn't have this better and more meaningful appreciation for the real thing.
  • In my lifetime, Clinton, because it's eitther him or one of the Bushes (makes it a pretty easy choice, doesn't it!). In all time I would say FDR. On another note everyone says the ones who were assasinated get picked more, but no one mentioned McKinley, hmmm...
  • clinton, but he could have done a bit better than monica
  • clinton
  • Bush,JOKE!! hmm, I like Roosevelt for the New Deal policies etc ohh and nearly forgot about Johnson(LBJ) because of the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act(1965) he had passed to. But i didn't like the fact he escalated to Vietnam war further.
  • Kennedy. By the that the temple in your picture?
  • ABE ..... I am an Aussie but from what I know I would choose Lincoln
  • George W. Bush. This is my opinion, screw anybody who rates me down for it. Especially the cowardly little fuck who gave me the minus 2 on May 27, 2008 without having the balls to leave a comment.
  • Ronald Reagan.
  • President Carter for he was the most honest and did believe in peaceful solutions to international problems.World wide he was the most respected by other countries,more than any president before him.
  • Reagan. Won the Cold War.
  • Clinton. For sure. He was just a fun guy.
  • Clinton :)
  • I don't have one...we have PM's where I live
  • Roosevelt
  • FDR. Helped get the country through some of its darkest hours. Also served as a role model for disabled people. (While at the time, he sought to cover up his disability, he can now be viewed as an inspiration for everything he was able to accomplish.)
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, he orchestrated D-Day and helped create a science foundation which later became NASA.
  • It is a tie between George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. George Washington, because he didn't really want to be President, he was very reluctant, because he didn't want the new country to turn out like England (the land they left). He wanted this country to be great, and treated it as such. He also fought for this country (literally) for it to live. Abraham Lincoln, because he brought an end to Slavery. I think all men were created Equal, that is why I think Abraham did a great job, making that come one step further to reality.
  • Carter.
  • President Bill Clinton. If not for the one personal mistake, he would go down as one of the best Presidents of all time. Most of the Countries loved us, and we had a 5 trillion dollar surplus when he was President. Much more peace then now.
  • I like Woodrow Wilson because he did what he thought was best for the country against great opposition and that takes integrity, something I admire a great deal. I also like Teddy Roosevelt. He never wanted to be Pres. but when he got the job he did it with all that he had and stepped down when his term was over. I know he wanted to do more but he kept to his word. It is very rare for someone to give up so much power like that. I also think Grover Cleveland gets a bad rap as well as Herbert Hoover but they were not affective as leaders so they don't get my vote for favorite.
  • George Washington is my favorite President of the United States. I have several favorites, especially the first five Presidents, Calvin Coolidge, and Dwight Eisenhower, but our first was our greatest: he set the right tone, he was objective and rational, eloquent in his defense and protection of the U.S. Constitution, and gave us the soundest advice in his memorable Farewell Address; would that we would have heeded the warnings against foreign entanglements and political parties! He was a leader that all Americans could look up to, a man of impeccable moral fiber and fairness.
  • Truman
  • Bill Clinton
  • FDR. I deem him to be the greatest President the US has ever had.
  • Roosevelt because he pulled this nation out of the Great Depression. I can only hope that Obama has a plan to keep us from going into another Great Depression and can pull us out of the current depression/recession. I do not understand enough about politics to know how this can be done but I DO know that Roosevelt did it. If I was religious I would be praying for Obama to pull it off... somehow.
  • I would say Abraham Lincoln. He kept the Union together and ended slavery. Followed very closely by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Put an end to the Great Depression and created the New Deal which resulted in America’s return to international prominence
  • Bill Clinton, I was making more than enough money In those times.:)
  • George W Bush, It gave us Irish and non US people something to joke about!
  • America only has one President. All others are former presidents.
  • The one that hasn't and will never be elected
  • of the U.S.? Wilson.
  • WAS, not is, respectfully. Harry S Truman, who once said to a General, "Well, if the little yellow bastards didn't get 'the message,' drop another one!" +5
  • In my lifetime - Reagan!
  • The best one in my lifetime was Ronald Reagan. +5
  • Bush, he made good gigs. All the others are boring. ;-)
  • Mary Robinson
  • Ronald Reagan!
  • President Carter
  • IDK much about the presidents but the one I met Bill Clinton was really nice. That is the all I know. I was never into politics until now since I am older. Good Question though! Makes you think...
  • I know who it wasn't: Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, or Lyndon Johnson. But it cold be Jefferson, TR, or Reagan.....
  • President John F. Kennedy

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