• Well, it is common for widows to move their wedding ring from ring finger to middle finger. from the 1500s according to : Thumb means you are a doctor Index means you are a merchant Middle finger means you're a fool (or to hindus it means you will be bitten by a scorpion) Ring finger is for students Pinky is for lovers
  • wow, i never knew that! haha. I always thought it doesnt matter. Just where it feels good. good answer!
  • Wearing matching rings intitles the following on the indicated finger Left ring finger - Married/Couple Right ring finger - BestFriends Right middle finger - Single There is almost ways so show that you are currently looking, but I didn't understand that part. ^^;;
  • Professional engineers wear an iron ring symbolizing their profession on the small finger of the right hand. My father lost his first one and wore one he made from a piece of iron pipe for many years.

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