• in what jurisdiction? Mortgage laws differ greatly from nation to nation and to get a useful answer you would need to indicate where you are asking about.
  • As long as you know who is currently servicing the mortgage, you shouldn't care where the note is being held. If it was a conforming loan, it was probably resold to Fannie or Freddie in many instances. In isolated instances, and if you have stellar credit, it may have been portfolioed by the lending institution that prepared the documents. You may check the originating lender by searching for the mortgage note in the closing package that you received at the title company that closed the loan. If you have received notification that the servicing rights had been sold, the actual note may still reside with the originating lender ... or not. If it was a non-conforming loan, the note was probably bundled and resold server times. You may never know where it resides. ;-)
  • I think that consumers need to know who owns their note. Due to the fact that in these hard times there are a lot of people who are loosing their homes. So when it comes time for foreclosure and your are up against the wall. The servicer won't help you (proven fact)because they make money from collections and defaults. So the question comes up: "DO I HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO KNOW WHO/WHAT OWNS MY MORTGAGE?" Yes you do. Because if a servicer is going to take you to foreclosure court, than who are they representing???? If they do not have the original note than they can not foreclose.Supose they do. A few years from now the owner of that note will be knocking on your door. So the foreclosure judge has no other option but to dismiss your foreclosure until the owner of your note stands up. Make Sence????

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