I do sometimes get bored with AB. It's not addictive to me. (I think)
Well, I'm pretty new here. It's a little hard to say yet. I hope not.
I have, it happens once in a while. I just try to change what I am doing for a few days, and soon, I forget about it. Theres all sorts of stuff to do here. I would suggest picking a few categories you are real interested in, and work on those. The search box is the best tool they ever gave us here! I hope this helps!
Yes it often happens that is when i wander off for a while. Sometimes just for a few hours sometimes I come on in the evening and just feel I cannot be bothered and I toodle of for a few days or in some cases weeks or months.. I return to see how my friends are doing.
Happens a lot to me but I've been here a year and a half and sometimes I get sooo tired of the same questions , just re-worded. I can't imagine ever leaving unless AB turns into a site that doesn't fit me anymore.
Sure. I just do something else. Nothing is fascinating forever. My interest in AB waxes and wanes. Right now, it's waning.
I suppose, but I've only been on AB for about four months and my big problem, so far, is breaking away from it!
I have been many times. I've cut back my ABing greatly since March. I think there might be a break in the future. As for leaving because AB gets boring, I could see that happening also.
unless the people here start asking boring questions...never :D
I do get bored of it from time to time. Sometimes it's a good sign that a short break is in order.
I sometimes do get bored for as much as 5 or 6 hours.
Oh yeah! I get bored of AB from time to time, that's why I've taken short breaks in the past.
As impossible it may seem..... sooner or later, it happens to us all.
Sometimes it does.
Usually @night time or early in the A.M (Est)
I dont think it could ever be boring.. its just so diverse! :D
No not really :)
Yes. The newness wears thin, the answers/questions get old, the debates never settle anything...............
Not a chance. Too many wonderful people to share with^^
I was bored back in '06 of it. But hey, I'm still here
already am but on somedays it can be fun i mostly do it to pretend im interesting
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