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  • Well if you are close with your mom then when your with her just sound suspecious without giving anything away. Ask a lot of questions about your dad (ie. where does he go every night). Just begin to sound more and more aware of what he is doing until she gets the picture or you feel ready to just say what you think.
  • I just found out recently, but I'm not totally sure. He left his hotmail on my computer and had lots of emails from women, so i read a couple. There was some from this girl that was saying something like we should get together soon. And he supposedly has a dating profile account which is where he met her. I was so upset i cried for hours feeling sorry for my mom. She just finished battling cervical cancer. Then a few days passed from reading the emails and i was driving with my dad and he got text message (ps he NEVER gets texts, unless its me) and he read it fast and closed it. So once we got home and he left i read it. I was so shocked. There were some 647 number saying that "Im free tonight, call me" and other stuff. I f***ing hate my dad right now. But he treats my mom like a queen. He keeps telling me that he wants my mom to have an easy life and be treated well. He just recently bought her a saab that she's always wanted. I just dont get it. It makes me pissed thinking about it. My mom does not deserve this. She works very hard for my family. SORRY if this is long but i dont know who to talk to. I'm almost done. I just cant tell my mom becuase it would break her heart and she loves him. Sadly this isnt the first time my dads done this. Its a long story but it happened 10 years ago when they were going through a 2 year separation. But anyways, we're a big family of 4 kids and we're really tight. I just cant picture my mom on her own. Plus nether of my parents work, so there would probably be financial problems if it did. Has this happend to anyone? Can you help me? Thanx for listening, i really appreciate it.
  • is none of your business what your dad is doing and to bring it up or tell your mom then it is just going to cause more problems. Or are you trying to break your parents up....
  • do what you feel is right if you have actual proof would be better. though i do agree with the other comments but remember if hes cheating on your mom its almost as if hes cheating on you. if hes cheating hes cheating you the time to be with him.
  • I wouldn't tell my mom, but I would let my dad know that I KNOW he's cheating on her. I would tell him how disappointed I was and that I would leave it up to him whether he continued with it or confessed.
  • You need to have proof, them you confront your dad and let him know, that you are aware that he is cheating, he can fix it or you will.
  • Nothing! They will both ALWAYS be your parents. Their private life is none of your business. Stay clear of this if at all possible.
  • talk to him about it
  • How do you know that? do you have evidence..Get the evidence then confront your father with it..I am sorry for that, that your dad is doing that against your mother. If it is true..check his emails, and phone..goodluck
  • understood...

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