• It's all about beauty, baby.
  • Yes. There's more to life than being beautiful.
  • sure there is.. i dont have a bellybutton but i WILL live on... its just the way it is
  • Being beautiful would be my last concern for a point to live!! I would worry more about not being able to explore the world and go on amazing adventures...
  • if you can't percieve yourself as beautiful then it will make things less exciting but who knows if there is a point to living if you are seeing yourself as beautiful... being anti-conceited is just as bad as being conceited... try and balance in the middle of this double edged sword if you can
  • It's really a shame we can't see ourselves as others do...we are our worst critics. It takes years of working on the things that has nothing to do with beauty. I was not a pretty kid so I worked on my personality. Today I am able to make people feel comfortable around me and have them trust me to take care of their loved ones and I couldn't do that if all I was was pretty. Pretty is nice but in the end what do you have if that's all you have?
  • its called just kidding..theres more in life than beauty in its physical form...our perception of beauty has changed drastically and now we cant go outside without seeing makeup and plastic comes from the ability to accept onself despite the criticism made by others..
  • No, there really isn't;)
  • Gosh, I hope so....;-D... . . .
  • Once the shiz hits the fan, four types of things will survive in numbers. The Strong, the Intelligent, the Beautiful, and the Funny The Strong will be best able to endure The Intelligent will be able to influence the Strong The Beautiful will be able to attract the Strong The Funny will be able to entertain the Strong So my answer is yes, you don't need one if you have another. If you have none? Then no, there is no point, lay down and cease existing. (Just kidding, I'm creating a somewhat nihilistic ethos for a book and that's as far as I've gotten)
  • Beautiful people can be just as unhappy as you are. I bet you've got a lot going for you, and you don't even know it.
  • No!! If you need to, you can use my avatar.
  • No, but they won't friggin' LET you commit suicide!
  • There are disadvantages with being beautiful. People who are physically attractive tend to attract people who like them for superficial reasons. This means they tend to have lots of relationships, but they don't tend to last very long. If someone really likes you for other reasons than physical attractiveness, then you will be likely to have a longer and more successful relationship.
  • Not according to most Americans. :P
  • Your pic looks nice. ...... ...... ...... I think of Christina Agullera's beautiful. ...... I believe written by Linda Perry Who does Zeppelin's Misty Mountain Hop here ...... ...... and, Joy Drop ..... Here's the lyrics of that song. ...... If I was beautiful like you All the things I would do Those not so blessed would be crying out murder And I'd just laugh and get away with it too Like you do If I was beautiful like you I would never be at fault I'd walk in the rain between the rain drops Bringing traffic to a halt But that would never be That would never ever be Cause I'm not beautiful like you I'm beautiful like me, If I was beautiful like you I'd be quick to assume they'd do anything to please me, why not To see their reaction when you walk into the room But that would never be That would never ever be Cause I'm not beautiful like you I'm beautiful like me If I was beautiful like you I'd have so many friends All fighting for my time to be next in line So if I hurt one, I wouldn't have to make amends That would never be That would never ever be Cause I'm not beautiful like you I'm not beautiful like you I'm not beautiful like you I'm beautiful like me
  • Everyone can be is so not about physical appearance. It is about living by the Golden treating others as you would want to be treated. It is about considering others and caring and showing it. It is about personal integrity where your reliability, charitibility, and generosity of spirit is very visible. It is about your genuineness and sincerity......THAT is beauty in its purest form.
  • Yes, but dont worrie, you are very beautful/
  • Zoolander? Is that you?
  • There is a wonderful poem I read once where it describes a beautiful vase that is full of spiders. There is no point being "beautiful" on the outside if your heart is full of spiders. I know plenty of people who aren't classically beautiful or handsome but who have hearts that light them from the inside and I just think they are gorgeous.
  • Everyone has Inner Beauty, just work with it with the right clothes and occupation and don't worry about all the Vain ones that could spackle your house with there make-up.
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is subjective. Something I may find beautiful isn't necessarily to someone else. Also, beauty fades. One can be physically beautiful at one point in your life, then one ages! It's the reality of life. While I'd be a hypocrite to say I don't see the outward beauty in a person, it's not the only thing I see. I look for the personality, their wit, humor, character, kindness, etc.
  • ugly people need love too
  • I hope so, because if not, there's a lot of people who have no reason to live.
  • my beauty is on the inside
  • Yea if God made us HE has a reason for it.
  • Yes. Everybody has a purpose in life. Being beautiful will only get you so far in life (which isn't very far).
  • For is the lesser of two evils
  • I'm glad Albert Einstein didn't think that way...
  • not so much in this day and age.
  • yes, there is always a reason for living. It doesn't matter what the judgment of others are in this respect. There is always someone for everyone and in their eyes that person is beautiful.
  • It doesn't feel like it does it.

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