• i don't know, maybe they have chuck norris
  • I was proud to be a visitor to Texas twice. It was a great place. There were actually good places to eat at the airport, they know how to take care of folks.
  • Because they learn to respect the birds and the breeze from a young age"" and grow to be a big community as they are world famous too. Texas poker, Texas BBQ sauce, Texas ribs, Texas burgers. i could go on but yes
  • Texas has a history all the way back when it was still a territory fighting for survival to have to stand alone. It has the rugged individualism of the old west along with that history of standing and fighting (the alamo) that gives it that unique posture. Just like here in California, there is a certain feel of individualism and being on your own compared to those in New York, etc.
  • I don`t know why, they live in the middle of a burnt barren desert surrounded by rednecks. They watch inane shows like King of the Hill and Dallas and they drive cars way too big for themselves, like a kind of phallic symbol. It sure beats me why they are so proud.
  • You just grow up with it. I mean, you're a little kid, and people have bumper stickers that say "Don't Mess with Texas," there's a country song all about how "God blessed Texas with his own hand/brought down angels from the promised land/gave them a place where they could dance/If you want to see heaven, brother, here's your chance." (I haven't heard that song in years but I can still remember it.) That said, a lot of people who've lived in Iowa for a long time just never seem to get sick of "Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa." from Field of Dreams.
  • It almost became its own country but signed a treaty with the U.S and joined the Union. It is known as the Lone Star State.

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