ice cubes, to make distilled water to put in my steam iron
a frozen dinner... see what you did... you are going to make me have to see what happens with dry ice... i hope i don't blow up
I didn't really intend for it to be cool, but I put a thick plastic container with chili in it one time and put too much time on it. It started bulging and bubbling out the side real funky like. It was really hideous to look at.
a raw egg :) it exploded i also put a aluminum spoon in it once, i saw electricity flying around in there one time i put my dads shoes in there, that was by far the coolest
Aluminum foil is always exciting, watching sparks fly everywhere
A CD. You should try it. Put it in for like 5 seconds. It's almost like artwork.
I once put a mug in the microwave that had stripes painted on it and the paint had metal in it. When I took the mug out of the microwave the stripes on the mug were so hot that it burned the pattern onto my hamd.
My friend and I use to put marshmallows in. They grow to huge white blobs, then deflate and turn into like a hard candy when taken out; rather tasty actually :)
I remember once UPS just delivered my new cell phone, I turned my back for one minute and my then three year old son had put it in the microwave and pushed start. That was the end of that phone. It warped quick!
About 15 burned out light bulbs, it's a last chance for them to light again. It's really cool, try it sometime.
a gold rimmed coffee mug... it was at my friends house and we both watched in amazement rather than taking it out... oops we probably got nuked ourselves☺
A cup of tap water for my tea
a tv dinner
Mug Cake:)
A beaker of liquid nitrogen. It was a class experiment in my teens,
Ex-wife's head.
Archie Bunker
Just kidding. But that might be funny, though.
a marshmallow! They swell up about twice their size!
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