• Have they had a chance. Better one. What has Mcain done!!!!
  • Shows how little you know about your candidates. Neither Obama or Hilary has done anything or we would have been hearing about it all day long. McCain on the other hand has served our country as both a member of our military and as a leader in politics. (for years) He has been on more committees than both of them combined. He has more qualifications and has a better understanding of what this country needs than they do. Obama keeps spouting rhetoric about change but change to what? Just a black man in office. Get real! He simply does not have the qualifications, he just personifies the black struggle. Imagine the effect on the black psyche when he fails like Jimmy Carter did. Besides wasn't it the Democrats under Clinton that gave us little guys the BIGGER taxes, not tax CUTS like the Republicans have. WAKE UP and stop being brain washed by the liberal media! LOOK UP THE FACTS! THE QUESTION STILL REMAINS UNANSWERED... WHAT HAVE EITHER OF THEM ACTUALLY, FACTUALLY DONE IN THE REGION THEY HAVE BEEN REPRESENTING. I'LL TELL YOU...NADA, NOTHING, ZIP...

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