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  • I've heard that girl creating sperm prefers acidic environments, The girl creating sperm is also stronger than male creating sperm. Eat alot of spicy food! Heartburn creating stuff... Men that are tired, overworked, not in total health, have a better chance at a girl offspring. I had three girls and none of the above worked the opposite.. but I did get my boy 5 years later... maybe a prayer would help,
  • If you favor one sex over the other, perhaps it is time to stop procreating.
  • i don't think you should stop procreating just try agian maybe it will happen all i have is boys and i hope this one here is a girl but just try that is all you can do, have sex every three days that gives you a higher chance of having a girl because female sperm lives up to three days good luck and best wishes to you and your family!
  • I have two girls and NO BOYS. I would LOVE to have a boy but my youngest daughter is almost 10. My husband is perfectly fine w/ not having a "son" to carry his name. I'm not. When I did get pregnant w/ our 2nd daughter, I asked my doc what the odds are of me having a boy this time. He said, "naturally 50/50 but if your husband drinks alot of caffeine, then more than not, it's a GIRL." Normally, my husband ONLY drinks water or milk but that summer, I made him a thermos of tea to take to work every day....yeah, we had a girl. So tell your husband to stay away from CAFFIENE!!
  • I would think my self very lucky that I have three beautiful, healthy children and you have to accept what you are given. Some people can't have any children! -Mamma Mustard
  • Lol, keep trying if you don't mind having a bunch of kids! My friend used to have six brothers - she was second oldest and then they finally had another baby girl.. so there is hope. lol, I also know a family with like i duno, 7 or 9 boys, no girls.
  • Either adopt one or get lucky.
  • You have a 50-50 chance of having either. Despite some of the old wives tales and so-called remedies, the sex of your child is determined by chromosomes, and it's a crap-shoot! Be happy for what you have. Raise them right and enjoy them for themselves. Besides, when the boys marry, they could present you with granddaughters some day. I had two girls, and now I have two grandsons and a granddaughter. And yes, you can pray. The power of prayer is phenomenal.
  • have your husband go the doctor to what kind of sperms he has then go your doctor to see what eggs you have if both of u have a x then have sex 3 days in a row non stop so call in for work to do so it shall come out of the vagina in 9 months.that what i did know i have 12 girls i even have triplets that are all girls so hope it works for u.
  • I think its unfair some people think people are bad when they say they want a particular sex it doesnt mean they will love their baby any less , its just a strong instinct inside a woman and it cant be helped after all everyone is different, i myself have 3 boys and im pregnant again and ive been through the whole is it a girl each time, and dont get me wrong when i had the scan to find out the sexes i had a sad feeling inside knowing ill never have that little girl ive always wanted. But on the positive side i love all my boys and would not part with any of them. Though i can dream of a girl sadly i have resigned myself to the fact ill never have one.
  • I have three boys and am now 22 wks pregnant with a little girl... as much as I am thrilled, after our second boys was born really sick and spent 12 weeks in NICU nothing is truer than " as long as it's healthy" so good luck to you, but remember, to hold a happy healthy baby in your arms and take home to be part of your family is a blessing! goodluck though, i do understand wanting a girl. mumto4under4
  • by the way, try making love "from behind" my hubby swears this is what caused it??? lol....
  • According to a teacher, you could vary the time you have sex to aim for a child around the time of ovulation. If you have sex right after ovulation, the XX sperm is more likely to fertilise the egg because the XX allele present in female sperm is 'heavier' so the sperm will swim slower if XX, and when the male sperm die, the female will reach the egg further up the oviduct. If you have sex a week or so after ovulation, the egg will be nearer the womb and the XY male sperm are 'lighter' and faster because the Y alleles are inert and small. So the XY will fertilise this way.
  • Hi mumto4under4 Congratulations on your little girl. Do please find the time to post a reply once you have delivered. I too have 3 boys, my last is only 2months old and I would love to try for a girl. However, my doctor said something to the extent that my husband would be having predominantly male sperms and the chances are very minimal of me having a girl. I really hope thta is not true and will think of another when this one is about 2years old. And perhaps I will try the prayer thing too.
  • Did you have a girl?
  • Keep trying, I have three boys and would love a girl as well. I will give up after one more.
  • I too have three boys, aged 8, 6 and 5, and had said to my husband on many occassions that I just didn't feel I could go through life without a daughter. We then decided that we wouldn't have any more children as our three were getting older and life had gotten easier etc. Then came a surprise as I found out I was pregnant. A bit of a shock given that our three boys are all at school and life is easy, with grandparents willing to babysit etc. Now though, I can't help wonder if I may at last get my wish of a daughter. It's my 20 week scan tomorrow and whilst I don't feel a great 'need' to find out the sex, I think it will stop me having those 'ooh it may just be a girl' thoughts - which usually occur when I'm in a children's clothes shop surrounded by pink dresses!!! So, we shall see tomorrow.....! x
  • I too have 3 boys (5, 3, 9months) and we would love a girl, i have really enjoyed reading the comments, and to hear others feel the same. I am happy they are all healthy, and they are amazing!, we have room for one more, i do feel deep down it will be a he!, but you never know! good luck everyone x
  • Did mumofthreeboys have a girl??? havnt heard from you all in a while... our little number 4 was a girl after the three boys... she is 12 weeks now.. we called her Sophie! hope your baby making is all going well...
  • Adopt a Chinese orphan and you're almost 100% guaranteed to get a girl. There's the Shettles method to do with positioning and timing of sex, but to be perfectly honest, I don't think there's really a way to affect what sex you'll get (beyond, I don't know, selectively aborting boys, or specifically picking out a partner or sperm donor who tends to produce girl babies - neither of which I assume you'd want to do :D)
  • good luck. i have no idea, my mum had four girls! but i hope you do have a girl, you seem the perfect mum for a girl :)
  • I have three boys too, 11, 9, 7 and me and my partner are trying for another which we would love to have a little girl, But my sister has four boys so i m quite sure were have another boy, but i would say its prob 50/50 my brother has two girls and a boy and my other brother has a boy and girl so cant see it runs in family your just given want your given and your love it the same whatever, i did with all mine even thou i expect like you, you might have wanted the 2nd and 3rd to be a girl, but wouldnt now change them for the world.
  • I also have 3 boys, 8,5 and 2 months. Would love to have baby girl, but feel scared to try again. Nobody can guarentee it being a girl. I think unless anybody is in our situation, they don't understand our desire.
  • My sister and I are extremely close. She is very "girly" and had two beautiful boys. When we decided to get pregnante with my first and her third.. we both desperatly wanted to have girls together.We read "How to choose the sex of your baby book" and did EVREYTHING it said!! we bought pink baby stuff and white cribs for your little girls. It was crazy when our babies..only 10 days apart..turned out that I was having a girl and she was having her thrird BOY!!! poor thing!! Now I am pregnant with my second girl..which i desperatly wanted :-) and she will soon be trying one more time to get her princess. SHe says that she would be happy to have either sex, bnut wants a daughter sooo badly that she doesnt want to go through life with the regret that she didnt try one more time. GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU WOMAN WANTING GIRLS!!! I would love all girls!!!
  • I too understand the desire to have a girl, to have a living breathing piece of you. I have 3 beautiful boys that are 7.5 yr, 5 yrs and 2.5 yrs that I love dearly and wont trade for anything. I am not ungrateful for what I am blessed with but I can't help but feel I should take that plunge one more time and hope for a girl so I can complete my dream or having that one of a kind bond.

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