• sun? fire? and i don't know the last one
  • Three? Sun, fire, chemical, electricity... But here's the thing...the sun is fire...and how exactly can one say this is natural while another is not? Fluorescent lights aren't considered natural...but it's mainly electricity and chemicals--normal lightbulbs are the same.
  • fire, sun, moon (unless you count that as a reflection of the sun), lightning, and there's also light from animals as well such as fireflies and glow worms which I believe is bioluminesence (I probably spelled that wrong)
  • If by natural you mean occurring in nature then; 1. Sunlight (self explanatory) 2. Electro-luminescence (lightning, saint elmo's fire, etc) and 3. Bio-luminescence (plankton, fireflies, etc). Hope this helps.
  • You got radio, microwave, ultraviolet, infrared, xray and gamma. Those are all the waves of light above and below the visible spectrum. All come from White light emitted by the Sun. This is the only natural light I can think of unless you count Glow bugs and other luminescent creatures such as in the deep sea. Edit: These are all different spectrums visible and invisible to the human eye.
  • If by natural you mean non-man made, then it comes down to the sun (as a massive nuclear furnace), electrostatic discharge (lightning), bioluminescence (from bugs and deep sea aquatic creatures), radioactive decomposition (decay of radioactive compounds), thermal (fire, lava), electromagnetic interactions with solar winds (the aurora )... that's about all I can think of for now.

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