Like you normally would. Be yourself on a date. You don't want to give a false impression.
Be yourself and have fun. Don't get too heavy (or too intense), just keep things light and fun!
As you are, with a genuine interest in the person you're with.
for a man or a woman
Show your true colors.
why should you behave any different from who you really are...Be yourself that is the only way you really will find your perfect match.
Be Nice!
I think it's best just to be yourself, but be polite on top of that.
Yourself, if yo know what that is..lots don't.
Be yourself, if they don't like you for you, they aren't worth the time.
slutty because then maybe my dad will love me.
As if you were going out with your mother.
dress sharp, smell good, keep your manners, and have a good time!
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