• The person that I admire the most if my mom because she's hard-working, ambitious, resilient and treats others with respect.
  • I admire Maximus Trax. He was a 8 foot 6 inch. tall. He was a near retarded Emperor in Roman times that became Emperor because of his awesome and ruthless fighting skills. I just think he is neato. He was one of the strongest humans of all time.
  • I admire Danny Wallace the most, for sticking to what he does even when people tell him he is stupid and childish, in the quest to make people laugh and make himself a better person.
  • My girlfriend. For being strong, intelligent, loving and compassionate, and still believing in people, despite the hardships she had to go through growing up.
  • My Father. Because he never stops admitting he has a lot to learn. He's one of the most humble men I have ever known. He admits he can be arrogant at times, but is quick to admit when he's wrong. Solidly routed in a few basic principles he intstilled in me, he seldom violates them. When he does, he makes ammends quckly. He has many life-long friends who admire him as much as I do, which says a lot about anybody. He listens and asks questions, always seeking to understand people. To this day, I am thankful for having a Dad like him. I have never wished for another.
  • I wish I could say there was one person that I admire the most, but truth us there are more than one. One person that comes to mind the most beleive it or not is Angelina Jolie. A celebirty is a funny one to admire... But what i admire of her is the dedication that she has to the causes that are true to her. Now that can mean anything and some people might say that she is just another celebirty in search of recognition. But what I see is someone that has used her celebirty for the betterment of others in ways that are more than superficial. Unlike Madonna and others she has worked hard and has spent days at a time if not weeks in places like afganistan and Leone for her cause. She has given without condition and as a result of it has given a home to children that otherwise would not have another chance. So I admire her as a true humanitarian. If fame follows her it is truely because we cannot get enough of her and not because she invites it. But the one person that I admire the most my grandmother. She was a great woman and one that held on in times of turmoil, she taught me to be strong and if I have to cry go ahead. But to keep focused and when I was done feeling sorry for myself get to work on fixing the problem and not dwelling on it. She taught me that no one said life was fair so quit acting like some one said it was and then took it away. Be a woman, and being a woman is expecting respect as well as demanding it.Funny thing, she always said a man's world is always easier than a womans. So if all you have to do is get through a mans world you are home free!!
  • My elder sister. She has overcome some huge obstacles in her life, both personally and professionally, but never lost her sense of self or gave up on her goals and dreams. All of which, I might add, she has achieved today, and she is living a full and fruitlife life, as she so deserves.
  • My granny she is so amazing! and even tho she's pretty old, she is still gorgous for an old lady. She is always so kind and considerate. She is a strong christian lady, she goes out of her way to do things for others! and Also she is just plain AMAZING!
  • my husband...he is so organised, so learned, so caring of his congregation and his family, so godly. He is also a lot of fun and a sweetie. (good looking too...what's not to admire? )LOL
  • Now you've got me thinking.Probably my younger brother. After a shaky start he's become the glue that holds us all together. Great question.
  • Alex Trebec For not being sick and tired of: THIS IS JEOPARDY!!!!
  • My son because he knows that his dad chose not to be with him. But he accepts that and isn't angered by it. He said he has a loving home and loving parents and couldn't ask for more. He has taught me allot in this last 7 years and I hope he continues with that attitude.
  • Our neighbours were hit really hard by the drought in Australia. I admire them because no matter what adversity has hit them they are still smiling.

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