• It really depends on how much you talk to the person. I would probably say a day at the least if all you did in the day was tell your life stories and chat about interests.
  • i've made friends at an instant.. sometimes you meet people.. and you "click".. it happens.. but you can't look for it.. those kind of friends are a blessing.. sometimes you don't need common intrests.. maybe even the complete opposite.. when someone finds that you make up a part of them they don't have.. they come with open arms.. well.. if your lucky haha
  • Well, that depends on how often you see the person and how well you click. But if you get along well and see eachother on a personal basis alot then it only takes a few weeks at most. (But if you think you just need to get to know them better wait it out)
  • To earn a persons trust and friendship can take an average of two years. Most people become fast friends but this is risky business, because you are still learning about the person and the world which they reside and collided into yours. You will find in life that you have far more aquaintances than you do friends. Always proceed with caution for the first two years. I have many friends, but only those whom I known over a period of two years or more do I consider a true friend.
  • The correct answer would be; Friendship = attraction + confidance. so the more confidant you are as a person, meeting someone that relate to will form an instant friendship. and yes, believe it or not friendship also requires physical attraction.

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