• I don't think they should but, that's my opinion. :)
  • I don't think so. Too many men do not support their families as it is. I think that more wives would mean more kids which in turn would lead to more neglect. This would then lead to more taxes for more services...ugh, NO THANKS!
  • No. Women don't get to have more than one husband.
  • Only if we get to have more than one husband. Must not be greedy!
  • No because that is called casually dating. I mean even if women and men were BOTH allowed to have more than one husband or wife I just don't think that would be a good idea
  • The question is whom they should ask for permission. Their wife (wives) may be. BUT should women be allowed to have more than one husband? And do you think they need a permission?
  • isn't one more than enough :))
  • I don't think men should be allowed to have any wives at all.
  • I'm with good ol boy on this one. I'm in a wonderful relationship, but it's hard enough keeping that one going strong without having to worry about any others. Two women? Way too much to think about.
  • Sure, as soon as women are allowed to have more than one husband.
  • That would be bigamy, and in my opinion, bigamy is wrong. Therefore, my answer is no.
  • No. Theres a reason people say thats not right.
  • No one per person...
  • Only stupid men.
  • NO! Unless, of course, I get to be the #1 wife responsbile for the fun, and the other one is responsible for cooking, cleaning, etc. Then . . . maybe not such a bad deal!
  • Hold on, I'll ask my, she said no.
  • I wouldn't be against it, but personally 1 wife would be enough for me.
  • No, because marriage is a partnership, not a corporation.
  • Only if woman could have more than one husband ;) i think that would be the ideal way to go. Wife Husband1(mechanic) husband2(plumber) husband3(buisness man) Huisband4(chef) where could you go wrong!!! lots of money...lots of help..... its perfect!! haha
  • I would rather only piss off one woman at a time.
  • I think that there could be many glib answers to this rather deep question. There are two definite mindsets when considering this questions: 1) The all-pervasive Western mindset and 2) The Eastern mindset. In the Western culture, especially America, the norm is competition, jealously, and pride. This makes any "other" woman not only a threat but an undesirable consideration in the household. We, as Westerners, would rather break our families apart in divorce than simply realize that others could 'join' our family. For whatever reason women do not usually have the same options as men when it comes to multiple spouses - that's another issue all together. A typical scenario: A couple are happily married for over 10 years. The man meets another woman who seems to be the 'one'. Everything about this new woman makes him realize that this woman is the one that was 'meant' for him. The begin to have sex and then the man feels he needs to divorce his wife because culture says he cannot have two wives. In an Eastern society the man would simply invite the new woman into the household and all of her gifts and talents would become complimentary to the first wife. The first wife of 10 years would welcome the help and company and the two would then work together to ensure the success of the home. Western society would rather cause pain and break a home apart rather than submit to the age-old practice of multiple wives. Eastern societies for thousands of years have had honorable multi-wife cultures that neither degrade women nor demean family life. Of course there are situations and religions/ cults that take advantage of the practice of multiple wives but they are the exception - not the rule. I believe that multiple wives would be alright if taken seriously as a cooperative effort to support strong families - not as a way to get gain or advance social status.
  • I can only handle one right now. I couldn't ever manage having another one. Let the girls try it, then the guys could have a night out once in a while instead of being grounded at
  • .....i guess if the wives are okay with it than its all good ^_^
  • why would you want more than one imagine 5 and they are all on the same menstral cycle
  • No, men should not be allowed to have more then one wife. It's creates an imblance of power in the relationship. And it's all in the guy's favour. This kind of marriage doesn't lead to fewer diviorces. If you look at what has happened here in the US quite alot of these women run away to get out of these marriages. Especially second and third wives. Most of the women have no choice in who they marry. And most of them are minors when it happens. I have only ever seen one community like this where it is the women's choice. Even then the first wife has no say. It's up to the second wife and the husband while she must endure. It doesn't end the feelings of jealousy or competion. All it does is make it unacceptable for the women to show their feelings about something that is happening in the marriage. The truth is jealousy can actually be good for a marrige. It's the warning sign that there is a threat to the union. And nobody should ever have to compete for the love and attention of their spouse. And that whole thing about it makes it easier on the wives when it comes to house work and the children is a crock too. Basicly the younger wife ends up being the house maid and built in babysitter for the older one. Gee, could that be a manifistation of the jealousy they supposedly don't feel? If the husband was really worried about making it easier on the wives then he wouldn't get them pregnant so often and he definitly would shoulder the burden of some of the house work and child care. Here's another reality most of the second and so-on wives are on welfare because these guys can't afford to pay for all the children they have. That's right we're shouldering the burden so he can have multipul wives, 20 kids, and a million dollar house. On top of that I can just imagine how much one on one time anyone has with these kids. I'm guessing it's a case of older raising younger. As far as I can see polygamy is no better then cheating, porn, and all that other garbage we try to justify with complete BS. Just another way for small minded men to control women.
  • Not unless she can have more than one husband.
  • When homosexual marriage is legalized, polygamy should be also legalized for consenting adults.
  • The government needs to get out of the business of legislating people's private lives. This has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but the adults involved.
  • i think if you can allow your wife to have another partner then you can have another women too
  • No, but at this moment the ACLU is suing for you to have that right.
  • Yeah only if women can have more than one husband!!! Lol can you imagine??one husband is enough to contend with let alone any more lol
  • Um, there is something called commitment, and if people can't understand that with ONE person, then they shouldn't let down a bunch more.
  • Larry King's had about 30 or 40!
  • Yes. Most men are going to cheat anyway, this would make it legit. Men are wired to have sex frequently, women are not. In the Old Testament, men had several wives. Then Jesus comes along in the New Testament and now men can only have one wife. Whoa, that's a big change for a man, and one that most of them cannot handle. I think men do find one woman who is their true "soul mate" and they really do love, but they need more sexual partners. They ogle, stare, lust, watch porn, so why not have more than one sex partner, legally? The main "wife" would learn to adjust to this in time, and in fact, may be grateful she isn't pressured to have sex all of the time.
  • It should be legal to have more than one husband or wife. Polygamy is natural for some people. It's discrimination not to allow it.
  • Why would anyone want more than one? I don't want the one I have! LOL!!
  • Is is really anyone else's business who somebody else is married to? Why can't we mind our own business and let other people live their lives.
  • Of course .... but only one at a time. If you mean having plural wives, forget it. On the flip-side of the coin, would you allow your wife to have more than one husband. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  • Let's stop the small minded bigotry and hate. Let's get out of the business of telling other people who they are "allowed" to marry. People should be able to marry whomever they so choose. It's none of your business.
  • why should it be restricted? If Government is not supposed to dictate what genders can marry on grounds of love, why would they get involved with the number of people one can marry on the grounds of the same thing? And when was the marriage establishment established? When was the first wedding ceremony held and what were the grounds for their vows? Did an officiator need to be present to make the marriage 'legal' and 'valid' and 'binding'? And if so, to whom was it 'legal' 'valid' 'binding' towards??
  • Only if women are allowed more than one husband. So if Joe has 3 wives and 2 of those wives have 4 husbands each that house is going to get very crowded.
  • The Lord God has said in the Bible He approves of plural marriage and required it several times. He even told King David if he had asked He would have given him more wives. Many say plural marriage was made illegal in the New Testament but in reality there are a number of places plural marriage is referred to. Probably the most talked of is the 10 virgins waiting for the bride groom. The bridegroom was Jesus Christ and He married 5 of the 10. So Biblically husbands with more than one wife is fully accepted. Now as for women having more than one husband, polyandry. Because the Bible was translated and those doing so were instructed to make the Bible masculine there is no reference to polyandry. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead He brought woman up to the level of man giving her all the privileges man has had from Adam. With this in mind it should be obvious a woman desiring more than one husband should be acceptable. Looking at this from a purely Biblical point of view both men and women should be allowed more than one spouse. Man's law prohibits this therefore we are doomed to monogamy until the laws change.
  • i think so
  • If they are allowed, should women be allowed to have more than one husband?
  • no they should not!!!!..would not be love.only lust
  • Most men can't handle one wife let alone 10. lol
  • He should have ten of them all on their periods at the same time! Hahaha!

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