• Huzza or huzzah was first attested in 1573. According to a number of writers in the 17th and 18th centuries, it was originally a sailor's cheer or salute: "It was derived from the marine and the shouts the seamen make when friends come aboard or go off." (North, Examen, 1740). It might be related to the earlier hauling or hoisting cries, heisau! and hissa!, as in these citations:"With 'howe! hissa!' then they [the sailors] cry, 'What, howe, mate! thow stondyst to ny, Thy felow may nat hale the by.'" (The Pilgrims sea-voyage and sea-sickness, 1430) and "The marynals began to heis up the sail, cryand heisau heisau." (Complaynt of Scotland, 1549). There is an old word heeze or heize, meaning 'to raise', which has cognates in both the North and West Germanic languages. Hurrah and hurray are later versions of huzzah, possibly influenced by Middle High German hurr and hurrâ, interjections which are imperative forms of the verb meaning 'to rush or hurry'. Swedish, Danish, Dutch, and Russian all have similar shouts which were used in hunting and chasing. Presumably, the hunters shouted hurra when they spotted their quarry, and the word came to express a sense of triumph. Army people most likely adapted this term huzzah when charging against the enemy or winning a battle.
  • THe term is Hooah! I was in the Army. That is what they say. It is just an expression of pride and enthusiasm.
  • The term for the Army is Hooyah and for the Marine Corps it is Oorah. There is no real definition or exact meeting. Sometimes made as a smart a laic remark or motivation you can use this term anywhere and everywhere. Example: Sgt:Go clean the heads. Prvate: OORAH(sarcastic) Lieutenat: Go charge that hill. Marines: OORAH(motivated) SGT: Go home. Corporal: OORAH(Confirmed)
  • I have also heard that Hooah was derived from HUA meaning... Heard, Understood, Acknowledged.
  • last hurrah n. A final appearance or effort, especially at the end of a career: a reelection campaign that was expected to be her last hurrah. hurrah hurray hoorah hooray exclamation 1. A shout of joy, enthusiasm or victory. noun 1. Such a shout. verb hurrahed, hurrahing 1. To shout or cheer ‘hurrah'. Etymology: 17c: from German hurra. I don't know it's origins though.
  • Nobody really knows what the army term hooah means, but i found the answer for the Marine Corps OohRah... Being a Marine, i decided to research it... the history is on this website... and both army and marine corps terms mean basically the same thing just different histories behind them....

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