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  • Phone the samaritans!! Please!!
  • i feel the same way, but i'm too much of a coward to off myself.
  • Time will help ... and a bit of patience with yourself. Being depressed can cause you to feel like you have these other problems, and it becomes a spiral of downward feelings. If you feel it may be clinical, please see a doctor and get some help. The first step is knowing for sure what is wrong, and asking for help.
  • i feel the same way I want to kill myself to im 45 years old and want to die so bed
  • come on mate, we all have problems, no one is ugly or hopeless, we all have things we shine at, even if you dont know it yet,you need to tell your parents, dont suffer in silence mate, do things that you enjoy man, live life to the full
  • Try saying positive things about yourself go see a doctor so you can get help! Life is to short to be that unhappy,It sounds like you need to find yourself along with some selfesteem, and see that your life is what you make it.Your life cant be all that bad so smile.
  • I'm older than you. That's all. Look, pal, just ignore everyone. Their ideas of success and of what you should be like and all are shit-turds. Just live alone. If someone attaches themselves, then good. If not, no loss. You don't have to fell bad about your self because THEY are shit-heads.
  • Don't do it things change at that age especially you can become more handsome everyone has their day. .
  • you want to say that ugly person is little brother you are insulting live inside not more n make your future strong than u can help poor needed society n is not big his activity n thoughts make him big.god bless u.i m Muslim so my religion don't allow suicide and i can not break my law.i m proud to be a Muslim.4
  • We are all on this earth with all our faults and insecurities; it is up to each of us to make the best of what we have. Everybody, without exception, has something to offer the world. Start thinking about what you have to offer, and if you get the answer 'nothing', then you are not thinking hard enough. :)
  • At which point you will take all the pain and pointlessness you feel, double it and dump it on the back of everyone who cares about you. Suck it up and start reaching out to others. Go volunteer for a charity and really pay attention to everything you have that those you are serving don't have. Go work in the kitchen at a homeless shelter. Teach someone to read who can't. Better than that, join a church. God doesn't make junk, and that includes you. You are not useless, hopeless or dumb, but as long as you are chasing what the world says you should be instead of what God created you for, you will feel that way. You are not meant to be a perfect body with perfect teeth and a perfectly educated mind who buys a lot of useless stuff. You are meant to fill a role in God's Kingdom and that means service to others. If you opt out now, I guarantee you that you will miss all the good things that are in store for you in life. I would have if I'd done it when I was depressed and suicidal. I'd have missed out on a wonderful husband, a wonderful child, a loving church family and a loving community. I'd have died in the mess I'd made of my life. There are better things ahead for you too, if you stick around to see them.

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