• Andy Dashing. I don't need no stinkin' "spy name" :)
  • Lysa Danger
  • Vlad "Action" Tepes Things just happen when you are around, whether its high speed car chases, hanging from precarious ledges, jumping from waterfalls and dancing a mean tango.
  • Haha My middle name is...."Unconquerable"! :D
  • I may be the only person in the world who thinks the Austin Powers thingy is silly...I know, it's supposed to be silly..I guess I just don't appreciate "silly" (think "Dumb and Dumber") ! :(
  • Jack "Thrilling" Sparrow There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize. Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence. Vital Gear Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a come hither glance.
  • Selma "Dauntless" [last name removed] You have eluded capture, killed the assassin, reclaimed the family jewels and are now confronted with 100 armed men and no visible means of escape. Are you kidding? You live for these scenarios and always manage to escape. Vital Gear Includes a loyal sidekick to help you escape, crazy glue, and making sure the bad guys attack one at a time.
  • ______"Danger" __________ You live life like it's your last day on earth. There isn't a challenge that you aren't up for and that ultimately attracts all the wrong and right kinds of attention. The opposite sex adores you, rivals respect you and the Evil ones wants to kill you. Vital Gear Includes a day job to provide a cover for your secret spy life and a swinging shag pad. ________________________ Lizzie "Daredevil" Swann Never one to shrink in the face of overwhelming obstacles such as a roomful of evil Agents, you choose instead to take the chandelier and outsmart the bad guys! Vital Gear Includes a hot car or motorcycle for daring getaways and high-speed chases and death defying stunts in the air.
  • Real name is "Adventure" AB name is "Daredevil"
  • That really made me laugh. Austin Powers named me Kris "Daredevil" Kringle (I had to put the entire name, sorry). :P

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