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  • Any liquid will flush your system. Do not take a cleaner, they test for that.
  • Altho Fun makes a good point I spent 50 bucks on that Strip cleanser from gnc and passed one 2 hours later
  • stick to what got put on this earth for you to drink, it's the most natural and safest thing you can put into your body-WATER
  • No more than water will. The "drink water" method is basically just watering down your urine so there's a low metabolite/water ratio. You aren't flushing out or cleaning your system, you're giving yourself a little leeway with the test. Drinking things like Gatorade may be better, since they do test for specific gravity (salt content) if they suspect a diluted sample. They also test creatine levels, which you can't do much about other than piggin out on red meat for awhile.
  • why do you try it and see?
  • I'm a biology major and yes green tea will flush toxins out of your system in this case THC. I'm an occasional smoker and I've used this method plenty of times and has never failed yet. All the other crap people sell on the internet is antioxidants just like green tea. check the label. If your worried about passing a drug test drink green tea, water, and piss a lot in the morning b4 taking the test. Good luck
  • The tea/water helps to flush out your system for sure, keep in mind that if you are a heavy smoker this process could take longer. Also, if your urine is too watered down, the results of the test will be "inconclusive" and you'll have to take it again. (It just happened to my brother in law 2 months ago!) Also be mindful that a lot of companies nowadays actually TEST you for those tea/flush-you-out kinda drinks that help you pass drug tests. They are now able to see if these "helpers" are in your system so be careful if you do go that route!
  • yes it will help you pass, but you need to start drinking it a day or two before your test.i smoked one hit yesterday and then drank green tea that same night, then i took my test earlier today and i passed!... hehehe stupid fuckers have no clue i smoked.
  • yes green tea is the shiznit!!!!! it will!

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