• You'd have to have a 'scope able to slew at incerdible speeds.There aren't any for amateurs, that I know of. Why not just look up visible sight times and go peek with your eyeballs. You can easily see the ISS without a scope, providing it's travelling overhead at the right time. Here I use both of these programs to get Keppler elements for viewing projected tracks. Edit: Idontthinkso - My scopes are older. My GOTO doesn't have that function and I doubt that if I upgraded the drives and computer, that it would be able to handle the slew rate. Not familliar with the newer functions on that Meade. Is this the integrated GPS one your talking about that came on the market about 2 years ago?
  • Yes it is possible to see ISS thru a telescope. It may take some practice, because you need to manually guide the telescope to follow the ISS accross the sky, because the first answer is partly correct. If you already know when and where in the sky the ISS will be visable to you, then watch for it to come up above your horizon and point the telescope to it like you would a camera or binoculars, preferably on a tripod. Make sure that the locks on the axises are unlocked so you can move the telescope freely and follow the ISS accross the sky. Using a very low power eyepiece would be a good starting place until you get the hang of it. This works for space shuttles, satelites, and even airplanes.

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