• The city hall has a lot of history
  • Center Stage Attractions has an office in Milwaukee. They are an online ticket reseller.
  • Yes actually. Center Stage Attractions (CSA) is a telephone fundraising operation that is employed by unions (public service). The unions are non-profit so their calls are not affected by the Do Not Call list. Its telemarketing. Granted, you can make pretty good money with it, and with the economy how it is jobs are scarce. Places like CSA are always looking for new employees due to the turnover. In an 8 hour shift I would get to pitch about 50 people, but I would introduce myself at least 150 times in a good list. Ahhhh, the lists... Sit through a week or two of being shit on, and if they don't fire you stick with it. Last I remember CSA in particular was paying above minimum wage, and after a few months (if you were good enough,) you were given good lists and could make even more. If they're hiring, go for it. Its tough to find a job out there, and I'm telling you, you get used to it. Just be sure you get nice and high first.

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