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  • OK call me and I will tell you if you are any good. I'm way over 18 too. There should be ads in a local underground paper. We have "The village voice" in New York so I'm sure there must be some type of sex or underground paper in your area.
  • There's one called Bay City Blues, just google them.
  • I been working for 'em for almost 2 years and very happy with it.
  • Do your research; I applied because it sounded fun and they offered training as I have never done it before. I was emailed a contract offering up to .40 cents an minute for a ten minute call; so for 6 ten minute calls an hour that makes $2.40 an hour. Pass. Now their dispatch (a recording) is callimg me all hours of the day and night badgering me to work for them and I have never even accepted the job. And where exactly was the promised training? I have no idea what to expect or what to do and yet they want me to answer calls already. For almost no money. Yeah,,, no. Keep looking.

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