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  • I knew a kid who grew a plant upside down in his closet from a garbage bag with some holes in it. Appearently the benifits are that the nutrients reach the plant more effectively beacuse of the force of gravity and the plant has less trouble growing towards the light. This all of course adds up to the desired effect of Higher THC content. I know you can do this hydroponicly as well but that may be a little more tricky... I dont know the ins and outs of that. Be carefull.
  • I have never grown weed right-side up, let alone upside down... but I bet it works like most plants. The flow of liquids inside the plant won't be affected by gravity... the pressure inside the plant is much greater than any gravitational effect, so i wouldn't expect nutrients or THC to flow to the buds more quickly. If you are successful in growing it upside down (i.e. it doesn't fall from the ceiling), it should turn out just the same. The stems and leaves will always grow toward the light source, so if the plant hangs next to the light, it will grow sideways. If the light is on the ground, it will grow upright (or should I say downright?). Unless you figure out a way to get more light exposure by hanging it upside down, I don't think there will be any added benefit.
  • I have never personally done this method of growing but have done plenty of research into it. How it's done: There are certain hydroponic systems incorporating a giant wheel that allow you to do this easily. The videos below show the setup for this type of garden. Benefits: Less water, less light. The plants are fighting gravity trying to grow upright which strengthens the stems and draws more nutrients to the plant.
  • I never even thought of that. You young whippersnappers, what will you think of next?
  • if you grow your weed upside down then you soil, water,etc will not be stable.. watering your plants will be nearly impossible.. water will drain on to plants causeing mold... during ur budding stage the water contacting the buds wil stunt growth and also cause mold from within the buds. and remember... the cappilary effect plants use to transport water and nutrients to leaves, buds. is the only thing that wouldnt be affected by gravity. hydroponics upside down may be worth a shot.. just try not to get your buds wet

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