• The same reason females want us men to be a certain size on certain parts of our body :). Its fantasy.
  • A2008 - Your freewebs page states that you are 17 years old. With respect, the only 'guys' you have met to date are teenage boys who, as a group, are the most loathsome beings on the planet. I think you will find as you get a little older that (most) men quit judging women by Playboy Playmate(TM) standards and begin to appreciate real women. Be patient, hang in there and good luck.
  • I agree, but its also a fantasy guys have to live in a world where all women are a variety of this. I guess some guys wish they had the whole package:looks, brains and personality or something to that effect.
  • They need to get their noses out of Playboy.
  • its the wet monkey theory!
  • Women have similar fantasies of men. Our pressures range from financial to athletic and we are to have such varying emotional traits (depending on the woman and her cycle) we could never accomplish the other items due to the Sybil like personality disorders we would have. Or the massive drinking problems.
  • The ones with brains don't think that :)
  • Just as much as many guys buy into this (especially teenage) just as many girls/women buy into this theory. Not all, not even a majority, of guys/men think they need a girl like this and even if they appreciate a 'stacked' woman doesn't mean they want to dip a wick. Plus the exact measurements that constitute big are relative and depend on cultural and social background. For some big is an overflowing handful and for others an overflowing eyeful. *shrug* I hear the 'average' for guys went from 7" (about 20 years ago) to 5.5" so either there were a lot of men in previous years who were lying or there are more guys who take cold showers now. Just a thought!
  • in the immortal words of Bessie Smith, "Bessie , you've got no tits and a tight box" Bessies reply "if you feel like that arni, get off my back"
  • Yes, but that´s an old old issue, which I thought was dead and dealt with looong time ago...
  • girls dont look like that. I dont think that it really matters once a man finds a woman he truly likes. Sure single guys can have an ideal but it's not a deal fact girls just dont look like that, I know i dont.
  • Its all a matter of opinion its not so cut and dry.. If you have a great personality then you wont have to worry about these little details...
  • I think a lot of girls get insecure by what they see on tv and in magazines and in turn worry that's all that guys want. No rational guy thinks that way.
  • Genetically imprinted from our caveman days. Big boobs suggest good child rearing skills, a tiny waist suggests general health, big hips suggests a good physique for child bearing. "For the male, maximizing the chances of continuing his genetic traits meant successfully impregnating as many females as possible. The male brain specialized in being attracted to females who were able to become pregnant, maintain a pregnancy, and feed and rear a child. Blond hair color tends to correlate with higher levels of estrogen, which tends to correlate with higher rates of fertility. A more curvaceous female suggested an increased likelihood that a pregnancy would successfully result in a birth as well as early rearing of the child. Therefore, the male brain could determine factors that increased the likelihood of continuing its genetic imprint based on visual stimuli; visual stimuli became integral to the male attraction pattern." For the complete text: A very interesting read.
  • I have not met a guy yet who left me because I didn't fit this description. Not all men think this way, and the ones who do tend to be a waste of time.
  • I never had a problem attracting guys and I have none of this. Well, a tiny waist, I do have.
  • thats me
  • honestly, that's not true. i used to be in the 'entertainment' field and I am quite endowed. the girls with a smaller chest made more money then I did. one thing i learned doing that job is that men enjoy all different types of women, from small to large. each woman is beautiful in a mans eyes.
  • is it a bad thing if SOME of us look like that? i realize "looks" dont matter and all, but is it a bad thing?
  • no shit. i have big boobs but I dont have a TINY waist and big hips. 1 out of 3? lol guys have ideals but by no means do i see my guy friends with girls that match the above criteria
  • I think Barbie is to blame! haha
  • My poor boyfriend, the only one of these things I have is the tiny waist. And you know what you can do with a tiny waist.
  • I dunno, some do, I really don't mind though. 1 out of the 3 wouldn't be too bad though! =)
  • I've never cared about breast size, to be honest. And hip size has never even occurred to me. I do prefer a trim figure but that doesn't require a "tiny waist," just fitness. The mass media has convinced girls (and guys) to hate their own bodies. Please, please don't fall for it. A woman doesn't need large breasts to be attractive any more than a man needs large muscles to be attractive -- it can be an attractive feature for those who have it, but it isn't something that a person needs in order to be attractive.
  • I really don't think that is true. I'm pretty sure that I've never met a guy... or at least one who is an acquaintance/friend who has held this viewpoint towards girls. I think it is more of a stereotype, but then the opposite one for guys would be that women want guys with big penises. And this really isn't always the case.
  • The ones who do not live their lives in fantasy land where everything that is true about women comes from porn or playboy don't think that. True, I've never heard a guy complain about a woman with big boobs and tiny waist... However, the more important truth is the majority of guys are thankfully able to look past this, and do realize that not all girls look like that, and don't care. You'll find that once men get past their teens, this is especially true.
  • Taotally not true and ant guy looking for only thst really isn't worth your time. The media plays it up like these are the ideal features for a woman, but most men may look but at these girls but truely want someone that with so much more.
  • Maybe I'm different or the rest is a generalization <bet thats the right one> but I actually am one that likes smaller breasts to normal, but large is very unattractive in my eyes. None of that matters in the end as long as the appeal is there but a firts glance. Having said that, the woman in my family (all) would fall under being considered small breasted so I'm sure that had something to do with it.
  • i dont mind what so ever about the looks of my partners i truley believe that u r only a beautiful as u r on the inside. if i couldnt find a girl who loved me as much as i respected her i would settle for a guy who shared the same level of respect as me.
  • I always realize and noted this. That is why I go on any big boobs. I don't care their hips & waist.
  • I don't care about that shit. As long as she takes care of herself and has an attractive face, I'm fine.
  • Aside from the fact that this question is a generalization to no end... It's because of inherent subconscious biological needs. A woman with a better figure is more suited to giving birth to better, stronger, more intelligent kids in nature. Natural selection, anyone?
  • I like girls wih small boobs, a big waist, and big hips Sounds like the guys you are describing are still teenages which is normal for guys that age but trust me as we get older that all changes
  • T.V. and celeberitys have created this idea of the perfect body. There really is no such thing. Skinny girls can't have huge boobs and if you get fake ones it looks weird, girls that are a little thick don't have the tiny waiste. You can't manage to have everything and be perfect, it's just a fact. The only problem is teenage boys don't realize that and expect that from girls.
  • We don't think they HAVE to have these, we just like it when they do. It's simple genetics: all these features/traits scream "good breeder" at our DNA. The same reason women are attracted to guys with square jaws, broad shoulders, and athletic frame - and even more so, athletic confidence ... almost as much as they are attracted to money, power, and a hot car. It's your DNA screaming "Good gene source! Good protector! And good provider!!!" Lets face it, at the most basic primal biological (i.e. sexual/reproductive level) a "good personality" counts for even less than it does at the Jr. Prom. And at this level, compatibility doesn't even matter either.
  • cause they're stupid and have small simple brains. that is why my friend and i have a 8:3 ratio. I'm the 3. she's got the boobs and the boys (plus golden blonde hair)
  • Some men are smart enough to realize that there are real women in the world; and those are the kind of men worth being with. Even if you look like that when you are young, it doesn't mean you're going to look like that as you age. There is so much more to a person than their physical being. And if a man only loves you for your body, then he doesn't truly love you. Or he's so shallow he's not worth spending a minute with. Maybe a blow-up doll would serve him better.
  • Not all guys think this way. Evolutionary psychology argues that a small waist and big hips signal health and fertility, but even this heuristic isn't always reliable. Otherwise, women with narrow hips, larger waists, or smaller breasts could just skip birth control and have all the unprotected sex they wanted. It's actually better for the population to have a variety of physical characteristics and body types, because that shows that it's diverse and not inbred. Individual men's preferences may deviate from the look you describe. I don't think most guys will ask for your measurements before taking you to bed and then kick you out if you don't fit the Hollywood standard.
  • I don't know that guys do think that their girls ALWAYS have to have big boobs, etc.
  • The same reason that woman with hourglass figures that you describe think that guys always want a skinny Kate Moss girl with no curves at all. I guess we all think people want what we are not. Just try to find someone who likes you for what you are.
  • We make exceptions. If we didn't though, evolution would eventually kick in and we'll have all girls with big boobs, a tiny waist and big hips. But we do, we make exceptions and that's why big girls are still around :p LOL Terrible, I know.
  • We don't ALL think like that.
  • I think we all dream of perfection, even though we are not perfect ourselves!!

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