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  • Would you buy a pair of shoes and never try them on till the day you needed them?
  • do you want really worn out shoes???
  • As a 31 y/o woman I will tell you honestly that when I was young I ignored the warning to wait to get married and blew it off... I truly wish I had listened. It does desensitize you to a point to have more than one lover. What a beautiful gift to give a man that you truly love and honey.. you think you love off and on growing up but when you meet the one who just makes you "Get it" as to why you should have waited.. it is heart breaking. If you haven't .. please do not until you feel you have met the man you feel you were born to be with and you have a lifetime committment from him. It is a very special thing we have to be untouched and so many people can catch our fancy but to give it up to more than one is to give up parts of ourselves that the one we finally meet, truly deserved.. insetead they get robbed of those parts and get what is left.
  • My gut reaction says no. Then again, I have a fear of bad sex. Also, I have an oxytocin deficiency. So my chances of falling in love are next to nil. I don't like the "friends with benefits" thing. It seems cheap.
  • In my opinion, ... yes. Then again, I don't even know if I'm going to. I just hope I don't regret losing my virginity when and if I do.
  • I'm waiting until marriage (only two months left!) and I've found that it is a really great decision. I'm not going to lie, you're going to want to do it really badly, but you find other ways to connect. If I had slept with my now-fiance when I had first wanted to, our relationship probably would have ended because it would have turned out to only have been physical, and I wouldn't have had the extra time to really get to know him inside. Now I know that I will have never made the mistake of sleeping with someone and regretting it. I don't want to know what sex with someone else is like, because I get to find out what sex with my husband will be like. Think about it.
  • no because it is really really important in a relationship and having bad sex forever is absolutely unacceptable
  • I think it depends on the girl herself...i'm not going to say that they shouldn't, and i'm not going to say they should...I think that they should just honestly be sure of the choice that they're going to make. I never planned on waiting, and I didn't...but it doesn't mean that all girls shouldn't wait. Some couples are very happy with the fact that they both waited until marraige to lose their virginity.
  • I think a girl should not have sex, because that then can become the base of the friendship,& I believe if you to last forever. so yes. is will be supper great if you do for both parties.
  • GOD has created girl for marriage, not to fool around before marriage.

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