• 7 so far, they are Spider-man (1967)- Had the iconic Spider-man, Spider-man, Does whatever a Spider can" theme song Spider-man (1981) Spider-man and his Amazing Friends- he teams up with Iceman and Starfire Spider-man (1994)- considered the best of the animated spider-man series and the one that lasted the longest. It adapted many storylines from the comics. Spider-man Unlimited (1999)- Spider-man travels to an alternate dimension where humans are second-class citizens in a world ruled by anthropomorphic animals created by the high evolutionary. Spider-man helps the rebels while battling the dimension's versions of his rogue's gallery. Spider-man had a new costume that could turn him invisible, fire darts, and had a sonic weapon for battling symbiotes. Lasted one season and ended on cliffhanger. Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)- Takes in the the universe of the first Spider-man movie. Used cel-shaded 3D animation. Aired on MTV and lasted one season. Spectacular Spider-man (2008)- The currently airing series. Airs on Kid's WB on Saturday Mornings. Spider-man is a high school student and has had is powers for few months. The episodes show continuity and borrow elements from Ultimate Spider-man. It is written/directed by Greg Weisman who created "Gargoyles". You can see the statues of the gargoyles in most episodes. Spider-man also made guest appearances in the Spider-woman cartoon which aired in 1979. He was never seen as Peter Parker, and was depicted as living in an alley.

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