• eat, sleep, t.v., ab, drawing, procreation
  • taking the child to school at 8 AM - come home for a nap - waking at noon - going to the gym for about 2 hours - pick up child from school - playing with my daughter - taking a walk - eating dinner - put child to bed - watch tv - repeat the next day
  • I would probably spend my time growing a huge garden for my own food, and to give to others. I would work on my house, ride my bike, spend time with my dogs, and volunteer wherever I felt needed me most.
  • I'm not sure. I've worked every day since I was 15 years old...I'd like to find out, though.
  • Whenever I have a day off, it always pretty much goes the same way. Provided there's good weather, I get in my car and go somewhere fairly nearby (but not somewhere I would go every day) to take some pictures. Favorite locations for me are the mountains. If I didn't have to work, I'd do a lot more of that.
  • I make glass so I would spend a day with the torches and the kiln OR I would spend the day re-building my front and back porch and adding finish work details to the interior.

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