• It does not have a name. The horses they rode were real horses, trained in Mordor. The flying beast does not get identified as anything, if my memory serves me well. (I was "Eowyn" at one stage in my past, so I remember the episode fighting the Lord of the Nazgul)
  • It seems like I remember Gollum calling them "rats with wings", or something of the sort. But, for an official name, I'm not sure.
  • Tolkien never officially named them but does refer to them as "fell-beasts" in the texts.
  • They were never named in the books or the movies but kind of resemble ugly dragons
  • Hello! I'm sorry I didn't see this before. My predecessors have it right... there is no name for these "fell beasts"... they're just scary-looking dragon-like things. But just in case, I'll check my books, and see if I missed something in an appendix somewhere.
  • Tolkien does not actually name their species. he just refers to them as 'fell beasts', basically meaning bad/unpleasant beasts.

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