• A month before the planned date of late August 1883 of the completion of the lower Manhattan system, Thomas Edison faced or at least purportedly faced one of the most significant public relations challenges of his career. While few nineteenth century entrepreneurs had reservations about how they went about developing the New England landscape, Massachusetts had a number of outstanding exceptions. The citizen who kept the closest watch on technological progress and its impact upon natural aesthetics in this part of the Plymouth County. more here
  • " On October 1, 1883, Brockton became the first place in the world to have a three wire underground electrical system when Thomas Edison threw a switch to activate it. For the other two firsts for electricity, Brockton was home to the first theater in the world to be tied into the three wire electrical system. The City Theater opened on October 24, 1894. On December 30, 1884, the first electrically operated fire station in the United States opened in Brockton." Source and further information:

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