• Alright, this is a really simple virtual helmet you can make that can give you semi-sensory experience. You will need 5 things- a hat, really cheap plastic binoculars, sticky tape, a sheet of flexible cardboard, and anything that vibrates. Basically, knock out the lenses on the binoculars with a hammer, then tape them both together. Then, place the hat on you head. After you do that, measure the distance it is from the bottom edge of the hat to your head. Then, cut two cardboard strips that are that length. Take the strips, and tape one end to the bottom edge of your hat, and the other to the taped-together lenses. When you put the hat on, the lenses should be dangling in front of your eyes. Now, you'll need to keep them as close to your eyes as possible. To do this, cut out another strip of flexible cardboard that is about the length of your head. Then, tape one end to one of the sides of the taped together lenses, bring it around the back of your head, and tape the other end to the other side of the taped together lenses. Now, you have a head strap. You may have to adjust or fold the head strap in the back, so that it presses the lenses to your eyes. Now you have the helmet part of your virtual reality simulator. You can use the vibrating object as your touch simulator. Now, all you have to do is find some Point-of-view videos off of youtube, make them full-screen, and bring your head closer and closer to the monitor, until the video goes in focus. Here are some good videos for using your virtual reality helmet: Basically, the helmet works on the psychological assumption that if you are completely surrounded by an image, then it is 3d.

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