• Abortion is, indeed, technically, a way to control birth. It is not a contraceptive, however, which is what I believe you mean by "birth control"...that abortion is used instead of a contraceptive. No doubt that some people do, but I do not think that is the main reason for abortions. What I don't understand is how people are against abortion as a birth control method, and simultaneously oppose measures to bring contraceptives within the reach of all.
  • Ask any woman who has gone through the emotionally gut-wrenching decision to have an abortion, and you will know that it is NOT something people take lightly. It's not like they have an abortion simply because they don't want to use a condom. If anything, they get an abortion because their religious upbringing did not include sex education and information about birth control.
  • No way. Doesnt Abortion cost a lot of money? It's a lot easier to just use a condom, then getting a abortion.
  • Yes, but I don't know what to do about it. Some people are just irresponsible and won't carry birth control. This does not speak well of their ability to raise a child. To be fair, birth control sometimes fails and abortion is the back up (well now the morning-after pill is).
  • Yes. I'm pro-life.
  • Yes. Very sadly, I am shocked at how little information people have regarding what it takes to get pregnant. The questions posted here have me baffled at our sex education.
  • I think it often is used too much as a kind of birth control.
  • It's not a birth control by any means.Birth control is where you don't get pregnant at the first case and use preventive measures. Abortion is a cure to pregnancy,it's not a prevention. .
  • I think most of your abortions performed are for birth control: either it will mess up their figure or social life, etc. So I think almost all are used for birth control
  • I honestly don't think that anyone in their right mind considers abortion as a method of birth control. Abortion is a pretty big deal, it involves going into hospital, it's leaves a person with aches and pains and it can be fairly emotional/stressful. So I very much doubt someone will look at the various methods of contraception and say "you know what, if I get pregnant, I'll just have an abortion". What happens too much is that people forget to use any birth control which results in a need for an abortion. I think too often people aren't thinking of the consequences or even think "it'll never happen to me" until it does. That be the result of many reasons such as naivety, carelessness or intoxication. Men and women also have to feel empowered enough to insist upon using protection prior to sex. I think hetter education is required. Not only in being aware of the available contraceptives and consequences of using none but also in how to conduct relationships and deal with certain situations. Abortion usually happens either for the reasons above or because the method someone is using hasn't worked. So no, I don't think any reasonable person considers abortion a method of contraception. I have never come across anyone who thinks this way and so I don't think it's a method of contraception being used too much.
  • i guess many see it as a solution to an unplanned problem. little do they think about it, that it is the ending of a life, in other words, the killing of an innocent life.
  • Yes I is the morning after pill..people need to control their contraceptive methods..first and foremost..
  • Yes - and so it has complicated the issue unnecessarily for those cases where an abortion might be difficult but merited.

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