I do too. As a matter of fact I generally smile at people and say, "Hi." While most return at least the smile, I'm always amazed at the number of people who won't even smile back.
I always say hello to strangers & tell them to have a nice day. You never know, they could be having such a bad day & a friendly word could change that
I do too, but downtown in a large city most people do not look at anybody.
Yes, I do. Sometimes people won't even look at you or even make certain they are looking the other way to avoid any contact. So I save the smile for next time. :)
I went one whole day making a point to smile at every person I walked by that day to see how many would smile back and out of I would say 20 people, one smiled back. Sad, very sad.
Yes... one reason my job is great is that everybody's so friendly, compared with my old job at the dysfunctional company where literally half the employees would pass you right by without even looking at you.
Most of the time. I hate to say it, but if I'm in a bad mood, I ignore most other people.
It's always nice to share a brief,casual smile with a total stranger. It helps me realize that I'm not too isolated among so many faces. Seeing that unexpected sign of fellowship gives me a sense of security I sometimes need to feel at peace with the constant bustle.
Yes. It does not take much effort to give a smile!!!
If I am in a good mood I can smile and say hi how are you, if in a bad mood I can't even look up.
Yes I like when that happens;use to be everyone did it ,the men tipped their hats and the women gave a slight nod!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely. A total stranger can brighten my day just by smiling at me. So I try to be that total stranger for someone else.
I am always say g'day ..nice day and 9 times out of 10 I will get a big smile and an answer ... costs nothing to be nice to someone and the smiles you get make it worth while
I always look at people and at least try to smile. I think it's terribly cynical to look down, or the other way when people approach each other. How inhuman..even animals don't do that! Of course, butt sniffing is out of the question, though! :)
If I make eye contact with someone I usually give a smile or nod my head and say hello or good day etc.
Yes, anytime! :-)
I always walk w/a smile in my eyes or on my face and when another reciprocates{sp} it makes me feel special!
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