I used to dress for both... trying to be fasionable and with a slight hint of sexy at the same time. I'm in my 30's now, and I dress primarily for convenience. On the few occasions I get to go out socially, I dress according to my mood and the occasion. I stopped trying to impress people quite a while ago.
Why should it be one or the other? Maybe the answer is 'both.'
As a lead secretary, I dress to impress both genders. The way you dress is really important. It's all about the impression you want to make.
Of course they do it is called vanity. Remember the song "You're So Vain" ?
I dress for me!
To give you another answer: getting praise by the way I dress makes me feel great!
I dress to impress myself, not others.😎
Our dress and grooming should be a reflection of sound judgement and should generate respect from those who observe us. The mosaic law made stipulations regarding clothing as a protection, it also distinguished God’s people from those of other nations. Jehovah cares about how we dress, he created clothing for Adam and Eve after they rebelled against him (Gen 3:21). Our form of dress can either be detestable to our God, or glorify his name. So to answer your question, I do not dress for women or men. I dress in a manner that pleases God, based on his lofty standards.
I wear what I think men would like, but I like it too.
We don't dress "for" anyone, we wear whatever we like.
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