• it's similar to a sky light but it is round, uses an o-ring to seal and prevent moisture infiltration - and collects outside sunlight, funnels it through a metal tube and releases it into the house. Some models are 90% efficient, while other can exceed 100% effienciency (no idea how that works) - I learned about these in my real estate appraisal courses I just took - The instructor recommended these light tubes very highly and said that rectangular skylights are a terrible addition to any home because they leak so badly.
  • Main parts of fluoroscent tube light is 1, fluoroscent lamp 2,Ballast 3, starter. As we give electrical supply, that pass to ballast to tube rod filament to starter to other side tube rod filament to electrical board. As supply pass in starter its bimetal strip will bend and breaks supply. As a result stored energy in ballast will released and momentary high voltage spike strikes to tube rod filament. Mercury vapour inside Tube rod filled with argon or neon gas will exite and creates plasma that produces short-wave ultraviolet light. This light causes a phosphor to fluoresce, producing visible white light. Starter bimetal strip will close contact again when supply pass throgh tube rod

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