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  • You didn't mention if you're already dating the girl you want to woo. Assuming that's the case, let her know how special she is by really listening to her and learning about her likes and dislikes. If she really loves doing something in particular, be sure to make plans for the two of you to do it together. Record a song that makes you think of her and give it to her, write her a poem or copy a poem that you feel represents how you feel about her, make her a card, call her just to say "hi" and see how she's doing.
  • Be kind, considerate, generous and attentive. (And don't say "woo"'s so 1950's)! :)
  • Be yourself and have a laugh show your sense of humour when around girls and they will see that you are fun to hang around with and wil want to spend more time with you.
  • First, let's start with "woo". That's old terminology, so I would start with different words. It will make you seem out of touch. Instead, I might go with, "How do I get this girl's attention" or something like that. Also, try to get to know her. Find out things she likes, and ask her to do those things with you. If she loves skating, go skating with her. If she loves chocolate, buy her some chocolate. But also, you should like her too- and not jsut for her looks. It's kindof an interview process. You both are looking for the right candidate- so you should get to know things about her that make a difference. Women like it when you pay attention and care, and want to know more. It's VERY flattering. Just don't stalk her. :P
  • Focus on her and only her. Let her know she really means something to you and always let her know you think she's pretty/beautiful. Don't compliment her ALL the time because then they won't come off as sincere. Don't take her for granted. And don't lie, you WILL get caught!
  • Thanks for your help nd im not already dating the girl im trying to woo but she does know i like her
  • be the man and go, hey sexy! Which way to the beach and flex some muscle player!!!!!!!!!!
  • CONFIDENCE at all times. Also, compliment her clothes, purses or shoes. Wait until a while to tell her how beautiful she is. Show her you think she's beautiful through your actions.

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