• Hurin was Warden of the Keys in Minas Tirith (he oversaw the rule of the city when the Armies of the West went to the Morannon, or Black Gate). He did officiate, but in my mind in a 'minor' way (which I would admit is more than a bit unfair). He is mentioned, along with Faramir, as the bearer of the casket that held the crown. He is also named as the person who, following the crowning, opened the barrier to the city, allowing Aragorn into Minas Tirith. Without the clue in the question, I would have said the following extract sums up who (in my mind) officiated 'most' at the ceremony - "By the labour and valour of many have I come into my inheritance. In token of this I would have the Ringbearer bring the crown to me, and let Mithrandir set it upon my head, if he will; for he has been the mover of all that has been accomplished, and this is his victory". (Aragorn: Chapter, The Steward and the King). However, as Hurin seems to have had more things to do than others in the ceremony (bearing the casket *and* opening the barrier at the gate), it's a fair question, and a very good one.

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