Milky Chai with sugar.
Lipton..iced and sweetened. And I drink it by the gallon! ;-)
never drank tea, or coffe. in the winter time i wish i would try it as i imagine it would really warm me up but i only drink tap water & diet coke/pepsi
Tetley's. I'm a right Yorkshireman. And I drink it like so - plonk the tea bag into the cup, then pour the boiling water in, leave to brew, then add a touch of milk for a nice strong brew. Raise to mouth and tip. Remember to open mouth. Place cup back down and remove teabag. Re-raise the cup to (open) mouth and sip it slightly. Apologise to anyone else in the room for swearing. Add a touch more milk to cool it down. Splash cold water onto tongue to remove the burning sensation. Re-re-raise cup to (open) mouth. Begin to sip. Place cup back down and remember to get some biscuits. Open biscuits tin. Hunt around for packet of biscuits to restock the tin. Deliberate for several minutes over how many to have. Take three. Take your Rich Tea biscuit and dunk it into tea. Realise it won't fit into cup, so bite off small piece and try again. Lament the fact that you now have half a biscuit sinking toward the bottom of the cup. Should have used a Hob-Nob instead. Re-re-re-raise cup to (open) lips. Sip tea slowly, remembering to leave pinky finger extended at all times. Drain the cup. Seek medical attention for choking on remains of biscuit at the bottom.
As a basic hot tea, probably Earl Gray loose leaf tea. Nothing in a bag, nothing from Litpon. That's just not good tea. As a cold tea, Arizona diet green tea. Mmm.
Green tea. Put several doses and infuse several times.
Hot,black tea (Idon't care what brand..I'm not picky) with cream and sweet-n-low. Drink about 3 cups a day.
Peppermint or Good Earth or Chai or Green or Earl Grey or . . . Darn it, why are you asking me to choose!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not a big tea person, but I like any Indian tea mixed with a little Darjeeling in it. I like it with milk and some sugar.
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot! . . .
Cheng Shen Bu Lao, blended with Ling Zhi. ... add a bit of honey & lemon.
Green or White I like to make a giant batch of, put some honey in and keep it in the fridge and drink it cold (after having a hot cup). I like Chai as well, drinking it hot and plain.
I like cans of tea. Brisk tea. izzzzzzz SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(written in falsetto) Yummy.
I like iced tea, straight up the best, but I will add raspberry syrup to it at times.
Breakfast tea with milk and sugar !
Iced Sweet Tea but I have a little jar of Orange Tea (loose leaf) that I drink by the gallon when I'm sick. Best thing for a cold for me.
just normal tetley teabags or apple tea.:)
I like chamomille (sp?) for hot tea the best.
Depends. Some teas are therapeutic and i use them as such..however I love peppermint just for drinking for pleasure (and for tummyaches). :P
lipton tea lots of sugar
Hot - Chinese Black Tea or Green Tea Cold - No preference and with lemon
ice cold tea that is really sweet!!
spiced chai tea. full of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom..add touch of honey and milk to quell said spices..delicious.
P G Tips White no sugar
vanilla earl grey, with sugar
Hot Jasmine tea, the best!
Decaffeinated Pekoe and Orange Pekoe, with lowfat milk.
English breakfast. I like it hot with nothing added.
Oolong tea. No sugar, lemon, etc is ever added
Tetley iced tea, no sweetener. I like it strong. Tetley, unlike most other brands, can be brewed quite strong without tasting bitter.
i like a black tea english breakfast etc with one spoonfull of sugar ..some times i may have milk in it
Lipton diet green tea in those big gallon containers. or I use their green tea bags and make a hot cup.
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