• I would because she deserves to be warned that he has cheated in the past and has the nature of someone who will not stop that behavior. =P
  • I would want to know who my ex is dating if they broke up with me. If I broke up with them I wouldn't really want to know.
  • I would want to know so I could pray for the girl.
  • I could not possibly care less about what my ex's are doing.
  • It doesn't matter to me. Maybe it would if it was a break-up she initiated and I never got over.
  • In the cases of all my exes, I wouldn't care. Good for them. If it were someone who had broken my heart I think I would be a little bit upset...but that whole 'heart break' thing hasn't happened to me yet, so who knows.
  • I could not care less what she does after we are done. I have not spoken to any of my exes in years.
  • Key ultimately if one understands the true meaning of this should not matter either way.
  • No I would not if I still cared it would hurt me and if I did not care for them as a partner any longer, I would just be glad they were getting on with their life.
  • I would expect that if I at some point found my ex attractive that someone else undoubtedly will too. It wouldn't bother me (hasn't bothered me) to know.
  • Wouldn't make any difference if I knew or not. I'd still want them to do what makes them happy.
  • I would want to know, because for me that would be the turning point that I knew that there is NO chance of getting back together.
  • if and when the girl who broke my heart after 3 years of bliss starts dating, and i find out, i'm going to feel even worse. i know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true. we were going to spend our lives together. feh.
  • It depends...If my current bf (of 3 yrs) were to BECOME my ex, then no, I wouldn't want to know because the pain would be too much for me. The wound would still be fresh and it would break my heart at the thought of him being with someone else. I would hate to think that he would EVER look at someone the way he looks at me. I don't know if my feelings would ever change in that case. However, As far as old relationships/ex's I have always been interested to know who they were dating after me. It wasn't always easy to hear but it certainly never broke my heart- I guess they didn't mean that much to me in the first place.
  • I'd rather know...makes moving on a bit easier...
  • I wouldn't care. I only have 2 ex boyfriends, and I didn't love either of them, and they are still my friends anyway.
  • I wouldnt deliberately seek this information, its my ex, nothing to do with me anymore. However neither would trouble me!
  • All of my exes but one, I broke up with. And it didn't bother me to see or hear about them moving on. I was actually glad, because I had felt guilty for hurting them. The one I didn't break up with, he didn't really break up with me either. It just fell apart because of many, many things. I'm in the middle of it, but hearing rumors about him maybe running around with someone else. People tell me that they've seen him out, but I decided I don't want to see it and I don't want to hear about it. It makes me physically ill.
  • I thinkn it depends on how long you have been broken up. It is was a short time since the split then it's not a good idea to know. If its been a while then life goes on and I would want to know they are happy.
  • I would want to know about it, so that i could tell her to run away from him as far as she can.
  • it might help with the pain. i would be angry, since we just broke up, so anger usually helps during the post-break-up period. meaning that it's easier for me to get over someone if i'm mad, rather than sad, so i guess i would want to know... tough question when it's still so fresh.
  • Well since my ex is in jail I could careless if he is see someone or not. But I would sure feel sorry for the poor girl.
  • No, why hurt yourself, they are an ex for a reason, and it would have nothing to do with me. you should think about you and only you
  • No its not my business and not only that i wouldnt want him to think i was in the least bit interested because i am not. Now if it was a ex that i had children with id find out anyway as my kids would tell me,unfortunatly
  • I can tell you right now,you don't want to know about it,besides it really is none of our business.
  • I would rather not know about it...know why? Because I dont care. really. If i knew about it that would mean i was in some sort of contact with him being that we dont share friends and we dont speak (not because he's a dick because I am in a relationship and it's not cool to chat it up with an ex)
  • the only reason that I would want to know just a little about her would be to protect my child. Any other reason, would be no. Dont care for the man, dont want to be anywhere near him.
  • I don't necessarily want to know. But I always find myself checking for some reason. It's natural curiosity. Either out of jealousy or pity.
  • With some of my exes couldn't care less. In fact, wish them well and feel sorry for the girl. With my last ex would rather not know right now. Things are still fresh. One day when I've moved on completely it won't bother me in the slightest.
  • Well I could ...but I am not interested :-) !
  • I would rather not know. I thought i could handle the truth when i asked. But when he told me that he liked someone else it was like the 3 months that i spent trying to get over him didnt exist. im just as heartbroken as i was then. that knot in my stomach came back =[
  • I thought I would be okay with it once I realized i was over him, but when it actually happened I was surprised how upset I got.
  • i would rather not. it would drive me crazy to see him with someone that made him happier than I could.
  • I wouldnt want to know.. but unfortunately in my case I know it because my ex left me to be with his ex.... so its like... all over my face. To make matters worse ... they both study in the same college I go to... yeah, life SUCKS
  • i would rather not know about it. I would probbely get somewhat jelouse for some reason
  • I didn't want to know about it but i found out and he thought I already knew. We broke up about 4 months ago but we've still been talking. He would say he missed me and wanted to go to a concert with me then days later i see pictures of him and another girl. He claims he wanted to be my friend but he was leading me on. Makes me so sick to think of him with another girl. I wouldn't want to know about it because I still see myself with him.
  • i have just found out my ex has been with 2 girls since me whilst still sleeping with me :| i am heartbroken all over again now i feel like i have lost a major part of me as we were together for 4 years and we were each others first love
  • Could care less about them or their s/o's
  • I wouldn't care unless she told me a year or so down the road that she was engaged to be married, just because then the guy would be in our son's life. But other than that, I wouldn't care. I have been the dumper in most of my relationships, so the few times I have seen an ex with someone new, I usually just think, "Better him than ME!"
  • I wouldnt want to know!
  • I wouldn't say rather, but if it was brought up I'de be interested to know. Haven't really thought about it in a while.
  • I know my x is seeing someone else because he always hide things from me I can't stand him

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