• The answer to the first half of your question regarding morality, that would be a no because morality is not for morons. Morality is for people with a sense of decency who know what is right and wrong if they properly understand it. Criminals have no sense of morality because they have done wrong without realising it and will know all about it when they are caught and arrested for their actions. The electricity context is totally different to the morality context with no connection between the two. Electricity comes from electrons and if you do a search on google you will know what I mean.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't need to Google it. I already knew the answer to the question before I asked it. In fact, every question I ask I know the answer. It's for the sake of asking and to see how users will respond. Electicity is electrons moving, so, the movement of morons around the planet make the sensible feel that morality should be an issue which should be made aware of. You earned yourself a t-shirt for taking the bait: LOL
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      What’s the problem being moral? Anyone who is immoral are the ones with a problem because of any wrongdoing they cause. Immoral people cause corruption in the world. Why add to the problems of the world by being immoral? It makes no sense.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      This question is a joke, although I preferred to categorize it under SOCIAL SCIENCES, PSYCHOLOGY and HUMAN BEHAVIOR, because I know there's more than a joke to this question. If you Google the question, you will see how popular it is. Another user asked the question: I worded my question differently. I am not adding problems of the world being immoral. I'm simply letting you know the meaning to the question. Do you still want the t-shirt being sold on Amazon? It comes in a variety of colors. Oh, my bad, I forgot you can't open links with your iPhone. The t-shirt asks: "If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?" LOL
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I’m ok for t shirts. My press has full of t shirts but thanks anyway
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are welcome.
  • Ugh! What a terrible play on words! At the risk of being derided for my evident moricity, I give the joke three stars out of five.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not quite, this is a very popular question on the internet. Anyone who gave you a thumbs up is a moron. Here's a t-shirt and a facepalm: *Facepalm*

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