• Hes a fine looking specimen . He would look right at home in a nursing home and you all believe hes running the USA? Does he it make you proud to be Americian? What a leader that invokes such conferdance in everyone that sees him that hes in total control of every situation? Will the USA survive his presidency is the real question?
    • DancesWithWolves
      Hey I agree with you and thanks for commenting :)
    • dalcocono
      What is shocking to me is that he intends to run for a 2nd term, and he seems to have a LOT of support from his party minions.
  • He looks like what he is; a tired old man probably suffering jet lag. Thankfully, he had notes to go from and he was able to get thru his speech relatively well. 10/18/23
    • DancesWithWolves
      Hey I agree with you and thanks for commenting :)
    • dalcocono
    • Thinker
      Unless you have experienced jet lag you don't realize how it takes you down. It generally only happens when you are traveling west to east. Traveling east to west a person is quite active and ready to go.
  • Looks like someone could blindfold him with a strand of dental floss. Maybe that's why he wears his aviator sunglasses so often. I think that, come November 2024, Americans are going to be given one of the toughest choice between two previous presidents that both were highly unpopular, but I guess at least they were highly unpopular for different reasons.😖
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes, I agree with you :)
    • Thinker
      I hope neither of them get the presidency. One is so mentally disturbed he is very dangerous. The other needs to be in a rocking chair at the old folks home.
  • He looks a little worried, because he has been walking a "tightrope" in support for Israel. He does not want the Middle East to get out of control.
    • DancesWithWolves
      I agree Jenny, thank you :)

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