• That's because old questions do not have enough answers until they reach 💯.
    • 11stevo73
      So you also have nothing better to do?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I really don't have nothing better to do when I'm on Answerbag. This is why I'm here. LOL
    • Linda Joy
      stevo might not call you out on your bad grammar, and usually I don't but since you were so quick to degrade him for his grammar just yesterday I thought you deserved a calling out for doing the same thing.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy, my grammar is fine. You can't point out anything. But I can. You forgot to add some commas in your sentence between don't and but, and between yesterday and I. Therefore, your grammatical skills are also terrible. LOL *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Answerbaggers: for the record, I have given Linda Joy hundreds of facepalms throughout the years. lol
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      stevo, I am certain Linda Joy reported the question she asked about me and Murzy, now that things didn't go her way. LOL The question is no longer active:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy, have some class. You are ruining your reputation. I understand you probably live in some dirty and trashy trailer in Alabama, how much you watched Jerry Springer, Sweet Home Alabama is your favorite turn it up song lol, and you don't care about a good reputation. But seriously, having some class will make a difference. :D
  • Just to let you know, I like digging up old questions. This gives other users a chance to share their views, whether they think the same or differently.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah and it gives her a chance to run up her points with each answer too, without actually talking to anyone who can disagree with her since this Nunya hasn't been here for at least 6 years, probably more. Its probably why she answers some of them 4 or 5 times instead of using a comma! Or the comment function. Pitiful!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Stop crying. It doesn't matter if Nunya is here or not. Nunya was and still is a very popular AB'er. So you can count that her questions will receive more than enough answers from me and other users who like her questions. How pitiful that you keep embarrassing yourself. *Double Facepalm*
  • I've resurrected old questions that I felt needed another go 'round. Or sometimes because I wanted the new users to see them and see what they would answer. But if you don't like the questions that are here ask some of your own. We can always use more questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "But if you don't like the questions that are here ask some of your own." You really need glasses. Stevo actually has 238 questions asked. LOL *Triple Facepalm* You are too easy for me.
  • stevo, you shouldn't get annoyed by 5+ year old questions receiving new answers.
    • 11stevo73
      its boring nothing new, Unless there is a major update or big change in the way things are done maybe. But that isn't the case its just more of the same old. Its beendone to death or flogging a dead horse. Get with the times. why not Ask and answer some new questions ?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I do answer not some, but many new questions when I see them on the AB homepage. Other than that, not all old questions are boring.

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