• Yes, I do at times I feel misunderstood
  • Nobody can understand you unless they live in your head and body. No one understands me. I'm in the top 6% of the world in intelligence and I'm two standard deviations below normal in height. My heart beats too fast AND too slow. My blood pressure is too high AND too low! Even my temperature is never normal because of a bad thyroid. People have hated me for being smart and blowing the bell curve at times and at other times they are disappointed I'm not a genius. They have hated me for being too short, too fat, too cute and 'not from here'. Ten percent of people are not going to like you no matter what you do. So it doesn't matter. No one will ever "understand" me. Maybe occasionally on a topic or two but no one is going to understand everything about you. YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. How can you expect people you don't even know to understand you? And why do you care so much? I think you should see a therapist about your irrational and unnecessary anxiety over what OTHERS THINK. It doesn't matter and you can't do anything about it anyway and I'll keep writing this over and over if you keep asking the same lousy question over and over and over. Actually I'll probably just copy and paste from now on because you're obviously not listening to anything anyone is telling you.
    • Linda Joy
      And as I've told you before, I've actually literally been abandoned by my father, my mother, my sisters, my bother and every husband I ever had. When you have actually suffered abandonment "feels like" and imaginary don't even measure up. And so what if they do? Aren't you a grown up? Can't you take care of yourself by now? Others will never understand you. ACCEPT IT OR GET THERAPY.
    • Linda Joy
      Ok. Here's another approach. You have established no one understands you. What do you plan to do about it? And why do you feel EVERYONE NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND YOU? What makes you think you're so special everyone needs to investigate and understand YOUR feelings? People need to focus on understanding themselves and not worry about anyone else.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Nobody should live in my head and body to understand me. I think that’s a silly thing to say. I’m referring to relatives and people who know me. I don’t expect strangers to understand me. It’s emotions and actions of another that can be understood. That’s what I mean to say. I’m sorry to hear those things about you and what you’re going through. You probably think I don’t like you when I speak my mind about the things you say about me in past comments but I like to get along with people even if they verbalise their religious delusions which I don’t want to know about. I’m easy going with people regardless of their physical appearance. It doesn’t bother me if strangers don’t understand me and as I said it’s people who know me and if I know them that there should be an understanding between each other. That’s what makes a proper relationship. In fact, I do listen to what people say to me. I take on board the main points of what is said and anything that makes sense. I’m very responsive when people say things to me and I know what it feels like to be abandoned so I hear you about that when you have been abandoned by your relatives. I know what that feels like because there are relatives of mine who have abandoned me as well. Of course I can take care of myself but empathy and understanding is important in a relationship to make things work between each other. There’s no need for me to get therapy and I don’t listen to anyone about that. Some people can sense how others feel emotionally but others can’t because they don’t have what it takes to empathise and understand which means they are either a psychopath or sociopath. If a person doesn’t feel anything towards another that means they are insensitive but that’s their problem and fail with proper relationships. It’s true that people need to understand themselves first but some people don’t do that because they lack in self awareness.

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