All of that stuff you mentioned would come with experience, so I'm leaning that way, however as a youth I was pretty good in handling big things so going with youth here just so I can hit the re-start button
Linda JoyI don't ever want to have to do that again! I paid my dues I'm graduating!
Charin Crossyou took the answer right out of my mouth Artic.
Youth, money, sex-appeal and a personality, please. How much do I owe you ?
Linda Joy
Your life.
At my age youth is only a memory. Experience I have but can do very little with it now.
Youth, kindness
Wisdom-the right use of knowledge..
Youth with a touch of the knowledge that came from experience. I would do a lot of things differently.
Linda Joy
But if you did things differently you wouldn't have the same experience. Which things would you do differently? -
The ghost of Christmas future should of visited us back then. -
Army Veteran
Since you ask a question that deals with fantasy, there's no reason I couldn't take something with me. Only a fool would be willing to do it over again without an advantage. The only possible result would be that you'd make the same mistakes.
If the "experience" we currently have in the White House is any example, I'll take youth any day. Forty-seven years of doing nothing, and not about to change.
Although I really wouldn't want to relive ALL the things I did in my youth, I was too stupid to realize what I was doing to myself!!! With experience, I'm MUCH wiser & have a LOT LESS FUN because I'm too wise to push past the consequences!!! ALL those stupid things I did in my youth, has given me a TON of experience & wisdom, so I think, in all honesty, I'll have you say youth!!! 😖😗😈😎
My youth days are over as I am an adult so realistically speaking I have gained experience with age starting from youth to adulthood. Life is an experience
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