• Yes and no. I've often thought of my life as one big adventure - not a bum deal. Yet I've never known adult life without physical pain - definitely a bummer. I try to stay away from crowds because I could need to scream at any time from the torture. I stay home ALOT.
    • CosmicWunderkind
      Dude or whatnot. I got some kind of innate hatred I've developed towards certain people which gives me a lot of angst and if you want the only release is death as far as I see. Negativity covering your brain like butter on toast, I suggest you do stay away from them and BTW, my life is more than half pain even in my fifties. Horror fully, This wariness about bad people seems to run in my whole family not to mention my father went through all of WW2 and Korea 2 wars as a bomber pilot and my brother Vietnam grinding hate of silliness and HBP and insanity. Peace. Offer four eggs to the little bastard who's family I get is completely effed up beyond recognition of any conciliatory gratuity. Just steal you.
    • CosmicWunderkind
      Dude or whatnot. I got some kind of innate hatred I've developed towards certain people which gives me a lot of angst and if you want negativity covering your brain like butter on toast I suggest you do stay away from them and BTW, my life is more than half pain even in my fifties. Horror fully, This wariness about bad people seems to run in my whole family not to mention my father went through all of WW2 as a bomber pilot and my brother Vietnam grinding hate.
  • God doesn't give bum deals. He gives us opportunities to progress and overcome obstacles. If you are crying a lot you may want to see a mental health professional. Medications and therapy can help.
  • God does not exist, and my bum deal at birth was the fault of two half wits screwing each other, accidently creating a life. I got over crying about it and got on with my life.
    • beaker95
      Yep, no bitterness there.
    • Scotslass
      None at all. I left it all behind years ago, just as other should.

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