• There are a quite a number of affordable bookkeeping firms in Singapore. Only, you have to search for them and check what they offer is right for you. SBS Consulting Pte Ltd is such a firm that you can trust with your books of accounts. SBS offers under-the-one-roof accounting and bookkeeping services that are molded to the needs and schedules of its clients. It is a cost effective option for the Startups and SMEs in Singapore. Every business is like an individual and has unique personality and needs. You should keep this fact in mind while searching for a reliable bookkeeping service. What works for other may not work for you. So before engaging a bookkeeping services provider for your business discuss your expectations with its representatives and take assurances. Following is a list of services provider that may interest you: - PRUDENTIAL PAC -3E ACCOUNTING -FIDUCIA -REANDA ADEPTPAC -GRANTTHORON SINGAPORE -INFINITY ASSURANCE -ARDENT ASSOCIATES -K.G.TAN & CO. PAC -HENG LEESENG -RT -KRESTON DAVID YEUNG PAC -CA TRUST PAC -CYPRESS SINGAPORE PAC -BSL GROUP -UHY LEESENG CHAN & CO
  • For smaller companies there are a lot of local freelance bookkeepers that will come in once a week or whatever schedule you need. The once a week schedule is economical and works well for the small business because in addition to cash flow records it allows the bookkeeper to cut paychecks and determine the appropriate withholding tax.
  • Dewey, Cheatum & Howe
    • OC Joe
      Isn't that the accounting firm for Click & Clack?

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