• Um... nothing, there is no evedience.
  • There is no scientific evidence of a higher deity.I would say it comes down to one's faith if there is such a deity.
  • There is nothing that any non believer would call proof, for those that do believe they would claim the bible and our existance. But I doubt you will get any believers answer this question as they are too scared to be wrong!
  • Catholic archbishop of Canterbury and a Doctor of the Church, (Father)Saint Anselm provided what is considered to be the best proof, over a thousand years ago. If these people would only read the explanations of some of the greatest minds in history, we could avoid a lot of these misunderstandings. Why are you asking Joe Blow on AB instead of taking advantage of the excellent resources the internet can offer.
  • I don't understand how someone can say (please no trolling, this is just my belief) that there is no God. Just look around at the beauty of the world. The trees, the sky, light, the sun. I am in complete awe of it. I have a hard time believing in the Big Bang theory.... We all evolved from a huge explosion??? I find that really hard to believe. I go with God. I know I'm going to get some comment about there being Scientific evidence to explain all this, but there is nothing that anyone can say that will change my faith in my God.
  • The best evidence for god is definitely and definitively the witness of the Holy Spirit.
  • Human's need to control and explain nature.
  • Is there any real evidence for God? Or do we simply choose what we wish to believe?
  • No one can prove God exists, no one can prove God doesn't. That's a fact.
  • You...
  • Your existence and that you asked this question.
  • Pray and listen with your heart carefully.
  • None. But the alternative is too hard to swallow.
  • 1ST ;and foremost; Written documentation;(The same thing as many historcal facts), written documantation; The Bible 2nd the Dead sea scrolls 3rd and not factual; faith and beliefs , 1) go to a hospital and speak with some one who has been cured 2) go to the maternity ward and just look at the babies 3) go to the middle of the woods , climb a hill and look all around 4) go th a packed church on a day of Mass( any denomination) and stand and watch rthe people who have gathered out of pure faith 5) ask some one who has been lucky enough to have received a Miracle ( large or small) 6) call arol Fejka, who was a young girl ( 10 to 12 yrs old) had a softball sized tummor entangled through out her throat, with nothing medical science could do for her, totally baffeled doctors by during a weekly visit all signs had vanished without a trace. 7) ask me who stopped me from stepping infront af a speeding car while carrying my son, grabbed me from behind as I stepped off a curb , ( only one behind me was God) 8) look into you life, not only the pain but the entire picture. 9) look at how bad things Could have been for you but arn t. now how much evidence do you need ?
  • The Universe. All of Creation proves the existence of the Lord God Almighty. -In Christ's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Babies, if you were ever in the delivery room no one would never ask that question again. You see Him in the trees and flowers and animals and their miracle of birth. The miracle of healings, the miracle of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The very breath you take. The very thought that you think. God is ever where if one would open up their eyes and heart to that fact.
  • The natural world, esp. before mankind got their hands on it
  • I have an interesting 'Gedanken experiment' about evidence for God's existence. I wonder if a large number of people who are convinced that whatever physical reality they cite (babies, nature's grandeur, people in church, etc.) would submit themselves to having the part of the brain associated with spiritual experiences cauterized. I wonder if they would then look upon babies or nature's grandeur or whatever and assert the same sense of wonder and say "Wow, it must be God's doing!". It's a bit of a shame that doing this to people constitutes mutilation and is inhumane. I think the results would be fascinating.
  • There is no concrete evidence of God. The HQ admits that right at the beginning of its first chapter after the opening one. HQ 2:3 praises those “Who believe in the UNSEEN, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them” Of course, NO evidence is really absolute, ultimately all evidence is merely what is perceived by the brain. They say seeing is believing but even visual evidence can be deceptive as we know from how real magic appears and how vivid dream experiences can be. The best evidence the Theist can offer is all circumstancial, like the examples given below, it points to the amazing this and the marvelous that. All of which the Atheist can come up with a rational 'cause and effect' type of explanation for. But that doesn't pull the rug from under the Theist, because maybe God used the rational 'cause and effect' type of mechanism to bring about His creation and how it functions. The Theist may not have the hard evidence that the Atheist is after but he has the HQ which gives him a stable rational code of life rooted in justice, and common to all those of his faith, not subject to the changeable fancies of dictators or democracies and, as a bonus, he might come up a winner in the hereafter too, if it turns out to be true. Belief in God is the safest bet, most rational and most wise. What then is the best evidence? We are. The miracles that are at work to make us what we are and to enable us to do what we do without much voluntary control on our part are evidently the design of an omniscient being. You are reading these black on white patterns and making sense of them. You have a real live moving colour picture of the immediate world around you in your head. This has perfect sound co-ordination. All the while you are breathing at the correct rate and your heart is beating regularly to keep you alive. Your body temperature is maintained at the correct level. Digestion and purification of your blood is taking place. Each cell in you body is itself functioning miraculously like a high security 24/7 efficient factory. If you are a woman then you are even more closely linked with divine powers for the miracles of procreation takes place right inside you. How cells subdivide, how the right cells are formed for the skin, the eyes the tongue hair and how the right cells end up in the right places. The miracles are endless and they all point to a super intelligent designer. You might find the two videos below interesting. They’re titled Seeing The Clear Proofs Of God’s Existence and God Is Known Through Reason .
  • Existence.
  • Well if you are in the LosAngeles/Long Beach, California area you can turn on radio station KFI-AM 640 Monday-Friday 12-3pm and hear her talk just to hear herself talk. Afterall she seems to think she is "GOD".
  • a sunrise, when it starts raining after you've been walking for miles, new socks, chipped nail varnish, silence in the morning, laughter, the ocean, anything and everything. All that stuff can't be random. there must be a bigger picture, someone watching. If i didn't believe that then i wouldn't be able to get up in the morning.
  • babies
  • For myself? Love.
  • I'm not sure there is any evidence for God. For most of us who believe, God's existence is simply a matter of faith. And faith, for me, is not just thinking God can - it's knowing that He will.
  • Well here we go again. Evidence for "God". Here's a question - WHICH GOD?? Throughout human history, we've believed in thousands of different gods. Hindus (and I believe Jainists) still believe in multiple gods. Jews believe in a different god than Christians and they believe in a different god than Muslims. I know, I know, you disagree - they all come from the same origin, they believe in the God of Abraham, good old Yahweh himself. Okay, true enough. But the God (Jewish and Muslim) that DIDN'T send his only son down to die for our sins is VERY different as an entity from the entity (Christian) that did. The God that sent Gabriel to talk to Mohammed in a cave and dictate to him the Koran is a VERY different God than the one Jews and Christians believe in. Even within these religious traditions, the differences are sometimes great enough so that it's a very easy argument to say that they're talking about different characters that just both happen to be called "God". My friends know me as "Marc" the reasonably pleasant, intelligent, rational, fun-loving guy. Someone else might write a story about "Marc", referring to me and not another guy, and my lifelong hobby of kidnapping, raping, murdering, and eating small children (NOT TRUE!). These are different characters, despite the common origin. They are not all the "same god". Period. Let's decide which God we want to look for evidence of, and let's define "god" before we even waste our time. Trying to answer a question with a very vague, seriously undefined term is an endeavour doomed from the start. Let's define God simply - an intelligent, conscious, personal entity that great, if not unlimited, power, and that is responsible for the creation of the Universe, and possibly life on Earth. We shall consider this the "God theory" of explaining how the world looks and works. With that in mind, let's ask - is that theory successful at explaining anything, or making predictions that we can test? Is it falsifiable? The answer to both questions is NO, and that makes it a "throw-away" theory. We have theories that successfully and elegantly explain the origins and speciation of life on Earth, and of the Universe, and we have no evidence that requires any theory involving a guiding, cosmic intelligence whatsoever. That should be the end of the subject. But many humans suffer a mental disease - they believe the world should "care" about them, and their desires and dreams and wishes. It's called "delusions of self-reference" in psychology, common in schizotypal personality disorder and psychoses. They want to believe, against all evidence, that things happen that are "about them" or referring to them, like "signs", omens, etc. They become intellectually dishonest, as they are emotionally attached to beliefs about reality, as though their emotions have anything to do with what is true or false. They say "no evidence, no argument, nothing anyone can say can change my mind" - another symptom of a psychotic disorder, a disease (and I personally know schizophrenics, their beliefs and rituals only differ from their religious counterparts in that the religious have millions behind them, but the psychotic has a relgion of one). They continue to believe in fairy tales of loving "merciful" gods, and of living happily eternal lives in a magical place they go when they die, because wishful thinking and hope, and "what makes them happy" apparently determines reality. But despite the fairy tales, good things happen to bad people, and bad things to good, and there is often no fair outcome - life isn't fair. Our insigificance is so crippling to some people that it leads to the vanity that an omnipotent, omniscient hypothetical creator of the trillions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars has created (in his own image, no less!) and takes a special interest in the eating and sexual habits (most religious strictures are about food and sex) of one reasonably intelligent hairless species of great ape. It's like he has cable and only has the Discovery Channel, poor guy! And, of course, the rule that "a man may not lay with another man the way a man lays with a woman" ("homosexuality is bad") is a LOT more important than laying down STRONG laws against genocide or slavery... which are CONDONED and even approved of in the Bible. I'll leave you with some inspiring passages from the "good book": "For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation." - Exodus 20:5 " . . . and the people lamented because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter." - I Samuel 6:19 "Slay and utterly destroy after them, says the Lord, and do all that I have commanded you." - Jeremiah 50:21 "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." - Numbers 31:17 (Moses, on child murder and rape of young girls) "And the Lord our God gave him over to us; and we defeated him and his sons and all his people. And we captured all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed every city, men, women and children; we left none remaining..." - Deuteronomy 2:33 "As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from the nations that are round about you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever; you may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness." - Leviticus 25:44 "Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, . . . and they shall be your possession . . . they shall be your bondmen forever." - Leviticus 25:45-46 "And that servant who knew his master's will, but did not make ready or act according to his will, shall receive a severe beating." - Luke 12:47 (Jesus) "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:26 (Jesus) "'But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.'" - Luke 19:27 (Jesus) "For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." - 1 Corinthians 7:4 (eat that pro-choicers, and any that say a husband can't rape his wife! oh wait, I was one of those that said that... wait, this is an awful passage!!!) "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." - Timothy 2:11 (I always liked my female teachers...) "The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the Earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth- men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air- for I am grieved that I have made them." - Genesis 6:6-7 (It seems that even perfect gods can make mistakes and have regrets.) And from the Koran, the "peaceful" religion: "The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." - Surah 3:19 (Allah, via the angel Gabriel) "Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." - Surah 2:190 (Allah, via the angel Gabriel) "Forbidden to you are...married women, except those you own as slaves." Surah 4:20-, 24- (Allah, via the angel Gabriel) "Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." Surah 5:51 (Allah, via the angel Gabriel) "'How shall I bear a child,' she [Mary] answered, 'when I am a virgin...?' 'Such is the will of the Lord,' he replied. 'That is no difficult thing for Him...God forbid that He [God[ Himself should beget a son!...Those who say: 'The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son,' preach a monstrous falsehood..." Surah 19:12-, 29-, 88 (Allah, via the angel Gabriel) "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." Surah 9:121- (Allah, via the angel Gabriel)
  • Is there any?
  • One can see that the order in Creation, its magnificent structure, the orgasnization of the Human Body, the relationship of the Food Chain to Sun, Light and Photsynthesis, Moon, Tides, Animals Birds and the inter-dependecy of the Earth and all of Creation are signs of A SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE, which some see as GOD, a GREAT SPIRIT, a CREATOR who loves and so shared all this to show that love, and some see that HE Sent His Son to show in the Flesh what the Unseen God, who is Spirit is like. fAITH convinces of the Spiritual world of God, common sense convinces us of the Higher/Supreme Intelligence, but some folks will believe any "cock abnd bull story" or theory that defies reason and common sense to be Atheists or defend some weird version of any major Faith.
  • Trust in Him & believe in His Son Jesus Christ.
  • nature in its other form may be traced as the presence of god guides us,THE HUMAN RACE. the GOD is crowned with the degree of almighty,superpower,supreme puissant which can only be possesed by the nature. we all are the proof of presence of the GOD.
  • Universe around us, has perfect balance, everything divided, undivided has UNITARY existance, there is UNIFORMITY in laws of nature, there are principals of matter, time, space, biology, physics, electronics everything is its basic form is UNITARY in nature. Dogs live in communities, Parrots live in communities, Rats live in communities, Ants live in communities, Fish live in communities etc., all these communities are a evidence of balance and ONNESS and UNITY in the UNIVERSE. What better evidence than this. Man all thru ages has made weapons, huts, houses and relations learning and leaning upon nature, even we do it today.
  • Look around you. How can you not see the creation of God? Do you think that evoulution could even come close to creating something sooo perfect? How can you not see the imagination in everything you see? The idea of gods egsistence is so obvious that we had to make up the word COINCEDENCE. And, there is the bible. Don't even try to tell me that thats a prank. First of all, it was made back then when if you try to make a book, it takes your life. And the bible has about 70 books. So if someone tried to make it as a prank, then it would of taken them, and their son, and his son, and his son.... God is here.
  • The best proof of God is His Creation - - - Romans 1:19 because what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. 20 For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. 22 Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish 23 and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.
  • Everything my friend.. everything :)
  • Despite the ugliness and hatred in the world, love triumphs in the end.
  • The evidence lies with people; ask any anthropologist. During 1800s, Anthropologists had a problem as to how to classify human beings. One researcher proposed the expression "intelligent animal". After advanced studies on monkeys, it was dropped. Another researcher proposed "tool using animal". After observing some animals making wooden tools and sharpening them with knife like stones, it was dropped. Another researcher proposed "weapon using animal". A decade ago, a rare film was shot by an amateur in an African forest. One short monkey was hit very badly by a big monkey. The short monkey prepared a wooden knife using stones and hid it on the top of a tree. After some days, when the big monkey came to attack the short monkey, it ran up to the tree for the weapon it has hid and killed the big monkey. The one thing that the anthropologists found with any group of human beings, even if they did not have contacts with the out side world for thousands of years, has spirituality with some form of religion. So, man is a "spiritual animal" if you want to call him that way. The Upanishads say that "Manush" (human) was so named because he has "Manas" a mind higher than that of the animals which realizes the divinity in creation. It was present since the creation of human beings. Religion is the characteristic feature of most of the human beings. It was not attained through reasoning using mind. Illiterate tribes located in inaccessible forests also have religion. It is as eternal and and as unchanging as the Almighty. Disbelief by a few will not affect it. "The percentage of atheists in the world is less than 5%" "Atheists are all scientists" ? Religion is not a blind following. It is a sub-consciously driven group ritual. It calms the 'collective unconscious' mind. The religious culture brings unity and belongedness among the followers. " Are Atheists More Depressed than Religious People? In recent years, the view that religious belief and participation in religious acts of worship has a positive effect upon the well-being of man..." "Is a Belief in God Beneficial? Or, What's an Atheist to Do? 1) Religious attendance is correlated with longevity. 2) Religious belief has been associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms. 3) Religious beliefs may help with addiction. 4) Religious attendance is correlated with lower blood pressure.
  • my sense of humor.
  • It comes down to what you believe, if you believe it then that's all the evidence you need.
  • i personaly believe that God is not about evidence, science is. God has more to do with faith than proof and unfortionatly, if you have no faith you will never have YOUR evidence.
  • There is no real evidence, since there is no such thing as a god. All gods are human creations used to explain things that humans do not understand, such as death. Gods are used to create religions - which are simply institutionalized cults - as an excuse by the self-righteous to impose illogical moral codes on society. They are also used as a justification to attack others that have different beliefs or challenge beliefs with facts.
  • love you man.
  • Go away alone asking no one to help you with this answer, instead pray to god to reveal the ultimate truth about himself and i garauntee you that god will not leave you in darkness, may God bless you.
  • The bible or the qu'ran.
  • Me naked. The man was a genius.
  • after my experiences i deffanatley believe in god infact i am a 14 male :) i used to be messed up and even messed with drugs and tobacoo but god turned me i meen i cried and cried and i felt so happy like he was sitting right next to me hugging me and telling me he loves me and that he forgives me :) and 2 years later now i am still crazy about him and will be crazy for him all the way to the end. and then i will finally see his face :O . ohh if u are stuggling with faith then check out the book "the case for christ" and "the case for a creator" it gives scientific evidence for god and how the big bang theory realy just isnt possible. the chances of all the chemicals and atoms and protons and whatever else came together is just astronomically low. its 1 and 24000000000000000000000000 chances of happening. If u dont believe me ask any astronamer and scientist. i got that 1 from the case for a creator. Its about a man named lee stoble who was and athiest and set out to disprove God. Instead, after looking at the facts and figures and talking with world famous scientist and astronamers he came to the conclusion that there is a god and that he loves us all.
  • Is there any?
  • There is no "evidence" that doesn't equally lend itself to other explanations. That is why religious folk have to have faith. The bad thing about having blind faith in something for which there is no evidence, though, is that any belief is as plausible and valid as any other, and so you end up with many conflicting faiths. We should stick to facts, people. Really.
  • The fact that we're not Absolutely, cold hard facts positive that he doesn't exist. Yet.
  • actually science is the Best evidence of God... the contradictions and BELIEFS and BASELESS FAITH and HOPE and TRUST in the crazy theories that they love to call facts should drive all sane folks to hope there is a God. and in all honesty, the inabilty for scientists to find any scientific evidence for almost anything they spout these days...shows that something of a higher power must be involved. 100 of the top evolutionists, currently, have admitted, they cant find any evidence to support their BELIEFS. and conclude that some other forces must be involved. in evolution, and astrophysics. therre are only a handful,less than a handful, that adamantly, forcefully say theres no God. it seems that all these wanna bees,who oppose the belief in God, havwe gone way past even their own mentors, opinions. so far the mathmatics have PROVEN that evolution doesnt and cannot exist and the facts show this to be a baseless theory also.. on an order of 10^280 plus. show me one single solitary proof of evolution anywhere, of anything no matter how insignificant and all peoples of faith will become atheists over night. its put up or shut up time folks. and so far they blather on a lot more than showing facts.
  • Vagina
  • Good day all, Its good to be alive and to see you are all here ! :+)
  • God revealing it to you.
  • A royal flush in Tahoe! ;-)
  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics In any closed system, the entropy of the system will either remain constant or increase.
  • A full set of fingerprints! ;-)
  • Creation itself testifies to the presence of a SUPREME LIVING MIND. The manipulation of space force and the primordial energies--every mechanism regarding the universe is, I humbly submit, the handiwork of this SUPREME DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. There's nothing that could possibly be so well organized without an "Organizer". There's absolutely nothing that could possibly have come out of "nothingness". The whole universe ceaselessly and with amazing syncronization and order works in harmony and in accordance to unalterable laws. All of this, I submit, could only have been so well structered and brought into existence by a SUPREME INTELLIGENCE which I'm not ready to call IT a deity. Science can only wrangle and vehemently oppose to this fact in its unrelent challenge to its religious foe, but they have not and CANNOT prove otherwise. There's no such a thing as "chance". Everything happens in obeisance to the unalterable law of physic(CAUSE & EFFECT). It's not even remotely likely for all of these essential properties that creat and sustain life to have come from a hostile environment. For example, there are--according to scientific research--two-hundreds [amino acids]; however, there are only twenty special [amino acids] found in the proteins of all living things. Does that really sound like an "accident" to you? With all the advance technology scientists have access to they haven't been able to produce new life from [inanimate matter]. But even if scientists could produce living proteins from [inanimate matter], it would only confirm that a pre-existing intelligence was indeed needed as a directing force to so wisely [direct] all the right biologic components in order for life to exist. The intelligence demonstrated--another example--in the work of the blood cells in humans and animals, is an irrefutable proof of a high degree of consciousness existing in those cells. How could a collection of cells generate a conscious being? "Chance" is just a term lossly used by the scientific community in their presumtuous attempt to explain something which transcends all the wisdom of this plane of being. "Accidents" are events occurring by chance--a nonessential property, and they have no purpose, for if they had, that would imply "awareness" or "consciousness". The concept that we all are but the result of a "freak accident" shouldn't leave much room to take life with any seriousness. If we embrace the idea that we came into existence for no reason or purpose, then it shouldn't be difficult to accept the [meaninglessness] of our own human existence which such a concept implies. The greatness of this SUPREME SPIRIT is unmeasurable and transcends any logic and all mortal's common reasoning and whatsoever idea we could, in our plane of being, conceive in any attempt to explaning. It's utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration, and most certainly can never be proved by any scientific experiment or by any simple reason of logical deduction.
  • The wonder of nature. What more proof could we possibly need?
  • I think there is more evidence for his non-existence.... take the recent disasters in China for example.... 62,000 deaths and counting.... to many innocent lives young and old... caused by us? It's a natural disaster...
  • I think everyone can agree that there is evil in this world. And with evil, there is also good. Therefore, there has to be a standard to determine both evil and good, in order to distinguish one from the other. Since there is a standard, there is a rule, and therefore a law. With a law, there must be a law giver. A law giver must have authority, and who has more authority that God Himself?
  • A let me think.........Jesus Christ? What other religion had a man raise from the dead and have it documented by so many for some four months after his execution on the cross?
  • There is no evidence for God. I don't know if the people who dreamt him up planned this or what, but the crazy thing about God is that you can say he exists without evidence, and then since there is no evidence even relating to God, whether it be for or against his existence, it is impossible to prove that he does not exist. Therefore, he exists. I tell mind has been blown.
  • There is no evidence either way! This is a duplicate, please look before asking.
  • There is no evidence either way. Just as there is no evidence about Santa's existence. That is the best argument for there NOT being a god and there not being a Santa (sorry kids).
  • I think its possible to argue agains an omnipotent god if not any god.
  • The difference between life and death. I dont mean the redundencey of the body.. the essence of life, that spark. You cant quite put your finger on it. Its hard to explain and I dont think can acctually be scientificaly explained. How life is made, spiritualy. I think it is something you wld recognise more clearly, when you witness the death of someone. when you see the life flow out of them.
  • look in the mirror...then decide for yourself if you came from nothing.
  • A God that humans can comprehand is no god at all. The very concept of faith is to believe in the unseen, the unproven. This is not a court case, there is no "evidence" to prove or disprove. Good luck - enjoy the trip.
  • Well for me it was when I was meditating. I was asking what am I doing here? What do you want of me? That's when I heard a voice (not my own and no one else around)loud and clear at the back of my head but not inside my head say... BECOME WHO YOU ARE. I have never questioned if there is God again.
  • There is no evidence. We only imagine, and it is called Faith.
  • There is none.
  • Lots of things
  • "...Den alten Gott ergriff eine Höllenangst. Der Mensch selbst was sein größter Felhgriff geworden, er hatte sich einen Rivalen geschaffen, die Wissenschaft macht gott-gleich, - es ist mit Priestern und Göttern zu Ende, wenn der Mensch wisseschaftlich wird!..." Friedrich Nietzsche: Der Antichrist pg. 90. It says that the old god came upon a terrible fear that his biggest failure was creating the Human. That he created a Rival because Science makes one God-Equal and that it would mean the end of Priests and Gods when Mankind becomes Scientific. God is an answer to a question. The question "Where did this all come from?". Science is the search for the answer "where did this all come from?" So technically Science is the search for God. And if God is the answer for everything, then your best evidence is your surroundings. If your unable to accept that as an answer, then your not looking for evidence for "God" your looking for evidence of the absence of "God".
  • Here is some actual evidence of a God, the creator of all, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This is better evidence than anything in the Bible, for sure! May you all be touched by his noodly appendage!
  • The perfection of design found in nature and the human body.
  • so since you worship pasta, do you have ceremony in pasta sauce aisle of supermarket? not in my market !
  • "To the extent that humans have any wisdom at all, much less the wisdom necessary to understand a meaningful amount of the working of the universe, the very fact that we can understand at all is more amazing than the marvelous physics of the universe! How can an immaterial mind, residing inside a human body, made mostly of water (along with other constituent elements of the earth), comprehend anything, even this sentence? It is only by God's creative grace that human being can think any thoughts at all, much less thoughts that are logical and analytical enough to be called "scientific."" "“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 14:1). Anyone who tries to explain away all the innumerable evidences of God is a fool, the Bible says. So is anyone who rejects the teachings of Christ: “And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand” (Matthew 7:26)."
  • good night yall
  • There's is no evidence he does or does not exist, in my opinion. BUT... If there was evidence, if anything, it would have to be the sheer ignorance of peoples faith in him to blow themselves up... Thats a pretty big extreme, the average religious joe doesn't do that to show his faith lol.
  • Your QUESTION: What's the best evidence for God? BEST ANSWER: Not sure if I have enough space to write all this but here goes: A beautiful blue sky, gorgeous rainbows, a cool ocean in summer, warm breezes on a cool day, newborn babies, woodpeckers and bluejays, hawks and eagles, male seahorses who give birth to baby seahorses,survivors of life when survival seemed humanly impossible, penguins who march to sea and care for other penguin babies, animals with built-in protection like armadillos and porcupines, sea salt, the gift of fire and water, the workings of the human brain, earthly angels who appear just when you need a helping hand, music and words that can change hearts, inspiration that no human is capable of giving, the Holy Bible passed down through millions of years to us in the present day, power of prayer, survival of some holocaust victims when they were surely doomed to die, yet they lived and they prosperred, modern scientific miracles for which there is no scientific explanation, spontaneous healings without surgery, and the television show called, The Real Linda television show. (haha, had to throw that last one in there).
  • God isn't about evidence. That's the problem with people they're always looking for evidence.
  • the love you have in your heart for all beings
  • a miracle!
  • Another downgrade. This one for saying that there is no "evidence for God", but instead it is an act of faith. This same person doesn't have the backbone of their convications to ID themselves or to prove me wrong. Here we see good evidance that there is at least one jerk running amok.
  • Near Death Experiences, The cave Jesus carved his name into, the bible, it is proof...not the modern day bible, some of that is true not all! Your looking for proof of God, what the heck do you think the bible and the 'story' of Jesus Christ is!!!!!! It is up to you to believe it, but some story that someone made up could not make a religion that has 2.1Billion followers could it? and if you trace Isreal back enough, you will find Christ is real.
  • Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear. (Hebrews.11:3)
  • Everything God made is evidence that he is real. It is impossible that something came out of nothing for no reason. God created the universe and he created us and all that is. People who think we just happened don't think well.
  • the best EVI-dence for God is every-THING.
  • DNA, The Universe, etc. I believe that it just depends on perspective. Some people can look at science and say "oh, there can't be a God" while others look at the same evidence and say "only God could have done that." I believe in the big bang theory, I just know who banged it ;)
  • There's the same proof of god as there is for the Super Hamster, none.
  • The fact that people are unable to grow out of their God-delusion that they have been infected with in their childhood, when at their most vulnerable. "washed brains are like raped minds, often damaged beyond repair.” This disables them from opening their mind and applying rational thought, causing them to waste huge portions of their precious life trudging the burden of faith & prayer. Faith implies blind-belief. There is a LIE hidden inside every ‘belief’... "washed brains are so dirty, even ‘Original Sin’ couldn't purify them!" So one wonders: 'it must be He, that 'bxxxxxd!' * * * “If mind were a six-sided box, the best door to ‘open’ it would be the floor, so that no 'junk' could remain in it!”
  • cut yourself...,you heal hurt yourself ...,you heal look at yourself in the mirror?...,you think that reflection is anything other than a perfect hunan Being? Ever look at the alignment of the human body? it's like a reflection of the planetary system. Look at the solar systems... Everything, everything that is needed is given to us....a miracle in itself look at the animal kingdom, look at the undersea life, look at the flower kingdom.... such diversity and beauty... all an accident? there are no accidents all is cause and effect. Look at the sustaining water that comes for us to drink, Look at the seasons... oh my God of wondrous beauty... but the best is that God can be found you can see the evidence for yourself. if we but follow the advice of all the spiritual teachers that have ever come into the world, since the beginning of time. look within God is inside. The kingdom of heaven is within. Why everyone say the same thing? why everyone say the same thing? investigate it see for yourself see the perfection within yourself, that's the best evidence for God, to find it within yourself.
  • it is our existence...all of the signs and wonders around us..
  • (Romans 1:20) For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable;
  • You r still Alive , that is enough evidence i think :)
  • The fact that both Spaghetti and the Tomato were discovered within 20 years of each other, €at opposite ends of the world, and BOTH by Italians. Seconded only by the mutual existence in the same world of Pizza and Beer. But - in all seriousness - the best evidence for the existence of God is the reality of evil. Only inbred (and brain-dead) relativists would deny that there is such a thing as moral evil, and that it is considerably more than just behavior that we just don't happen to like. If some acts and motives are intrinsically evil, wrong, and unjust, and some aren't, then we have the existence of an absolute standard of good and evil. We know that there is good, and there is the corruption and abatement of good which is bad. Just as if there is no God, all things are permitted, likewise, if not all things are permitted, then there must be a God.
  • i found some great articles on
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