A Manhattan. In fact, make it a double.
a blueberry vodka & tonic with extra limez!
Just pouring a JD and coke..... want some?
Ah, so many drinks and so little time. Sanrita would be good on this hot day... but I am hungry, so maybe a white russian?? or yum.. pina colada...
I don't care, just make it a double. :P A cosmo sounds nice.
Orange Juice and Grapefruit juice frappe
At the moment, it sounds great. Mist and Coke, or Jack and Coke would work. Why, are you pouring?
Its summer so a Pyms and soda.
A White Russian please
can i have a few shots of slippery nipples and 2 fingers worth of smirnoff instead?
Bloody Mary, hold salt, extra spicy - olives thx!
A turbo shandy (bottle of Smirnoff ice and half a pint of strogest lager, pour smirnoff in2 lager... taste lot sweeter and very strong!!! ;)
Long island ice tea..yummy
A screwdriver sounds good right about now.
Goat milk ,vodka and a bit of lime.
A Snowball
Don.t you go tempting me,I,d like a tall glass of vodka with ice and lemon hiccup
JD & coke or a whiskey sour!!!
Pomegranate Martini please.
Ramos Gin Fizz --know what it is without looking it up?
Vodka, Red Bull, lots of ice..
A root beer float. I don't do alcohol.
Coffee and hot water!
Right now I'm in the mood for a Bacardi Razz & Sprite.
Beer and lemonade please
a very strong cosmo, please
A bloody mary sounds tasty right now, with a garnish of peppercinis please. :o>
Ether a long island iced tea or a mai tai or cosmo or a sex on the beach.
I'd have a Neapolitan latte, layered, with a dash of cinnamon.
Royal Flush
Okay, for the real drinkers, assuming its summer, when I drink white, not winter when I switch to brown: Summer: ICE COLD, that means VERY COLD, martini, made with Belvedere Vodka or Hendricks Gin. Now, the martini should be mixed in a glass jar, previously frozen, with fresh cubes of ice. the jar should be shaken hard, thus creating tiny ice crystals, which are poured into the Martini Glass with the drink. Amount of dry vermouth? Some, not much, but do use a little. Maybe a quarter capful. maybe less. One olive only. We're drinking, not eating.
A Margurite always!!!!!!!!!
Southern and seven
long island iced tea :)
#1 - A Don Julio Anejo Margarita on the rocks. #2 - A Belvedere Vodka martini straight up with two olives. #3- A Bombay Sapphire Gin with tonic over ice with a slice of fresh lime.
a margarita! MMMMMM!
gin and tonic or rum and coke either one would be great!
Cadillac Margarita on the rocks, light salt.
Carovale Crush 2 parts Strawberry liqueur 1 part Lychee liqueur In a tall glass with ice, top with lemonade. Cheers
Secks on the Beach
I am currently into my third Washington State Apple: 1 part Crown Royal whiskey 1 part Sour Apple Pucker 1 part Cranberry juice
Long Island T, Please.
I'd take a caipirinha
X Rated Martini
Whiskey Sour would be nice.
Barcardi Limon and Diet Coke or a shot of Southern Comfort(not on ice) with Diet Coke chaser
I'll take a raspberry vodka w/soda water with a fresh raspberry in it.
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